OMG!!! Amazing, she is INCREDIBLE!!!... and Heartbreakingly - TopicsExpress


OMG!!! Amazing, she is INCREDIBLE!!!... and Heartbreakingly honest, I feel her pain but what can we do.... It only breaks my heart again when so many people refers to dogs that way, when they only mirror what they have been given, back to us!!!... Until we respect ALL living creatures whether they walk, crawl, fly or swim will we even begin to save our World... we have to save our own world first, whats inside of us. Life gives us everything! ... the good and the bad! It has shown me breathtakingly beautiful things that blow your mind to oblivion they are so magnificent and can melt my heart to a gooey mess, overflowing with gratitude and tears rolling down my face... Yet in the very next moment it can be devastatingly shattered and you loose every last glimpse of hope and find it hard to breath!... So!?! do we do take the ultimate sacrifice and disappear like the brilliant Robin Williams and my father!?!?!? The ultimate question? Life gives us BOTH!!! and the blessing is that we have the ability to choose... I choose LOVE!... and stedfastly choose to only focus on what feels right. Love is the energy that moves through our bodies, pulses through our veins and it gives us the strength to move forward, its inside of YOU! You cant get it from someone else! I believe in the law of attraction and Ive seen it happen... what you focus on increases, you know in your heart this is so. So close your eyes breath in deep... feel the blood pumping from your heart throughout your body... then breathe out LOVE... Tomorrows another day???... Yes! but I believe: ... WITH EVERY BREATH YOU GET ANOTHER MOMENT, CHOOSE LOVE...
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 04:17:48 +0000

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