OMG! DO YOU have any idea how many Police and Federal Agent - TopicsExpress


OMG! DO YOU have any idea how many Police and Federal Agent attacks on innocent Americans are going on somewhere in America EVERY SINGLE DAY, using Municipal, County, State, and Federal statutes that are REPUGNANT to The Constitution? WHO DO YOU TRUST? The Government OR the American Militia Freedom Forces who STAND in SUPPORT and Defense and RESTORATION of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. These TWO supreme laws of the land support, defend and will RESTORE our entire Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and the WHOLE Constitution UPON our elected Republican and Democrat USURPER enemies and their entire Federal, State, County and Municipal alphabet soup agencies of coercion, tyranny, oppression, criminal constitutional contempt, and violence that we see every day against us American people. Walk up to your neighbors homes and PULL TOGETHER a neighborhood American Militia Freedom Force to protect yourselves and your families from our elected criminally Constitutionally contemptuous enemy forces BEFORE it is too late to save your families. The trustworthy IRS has now geared up and trained tactical SWAT Teams to attack American families and business under orders of ObamaCare. My God, if you care about your family and America at all you better join the Militia TODAY... AND, start training! Time is really getting short. Watch all of the violence from all of our levels of Government are committing against us... Especially the Federal Government. JOIN OR BUILD YOUR LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD MILITIA TODAY! Do you trust the Fast and Furious DOJ? Do you trust the ATF to leave you guns alone? Do you trust the DOE not to necessarily skyrocket your utility bills and gasoline? Do you trust the GOP when they tell you over and over and over again that they have to pass Amnesty (and transfer your IRS stolen wages, salaries and property to them in Federal/State benefits to the poor and the needy and Federal entitlements so that they can buy their 20+ Million votes outta thin air). Why do you think the Republicans HAVE DONE NOTHING but lip service to closing down the border? Do you know how many times CONSTITUTIONALLY INNOCENT people are getting TASERED bit by Police and Federal K-9 Units EVERY SINGLE DAY in America? OMG, everyday there is a another video or three, like the lone NON-AGGRESSIVE pocket knife armed New Mexico wilderness camper getting gunned down to death by four fully armed Cops. All of levels of our Governments are USING FORCE and coercing us Americans to obey Constitutionally UNLAWFUL Acts and statutes by our criminally Constitutionally contemptuous Municipalities, Counties, States and Federal Governments. And, our Courts --- they REFUSE to allow The Constitution, U.S. Supreme Court or Federal Court cites to be read to the Jury! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Peshtigo, WI, City Attorney told me, IN COURT, to my face, ON Constitution Day, no less, that our Bill of Rights nor the Constitution, or even Supreme Court cites are allowed to be used in Court, or read to the Jury, in our own defense. According to our Peshtigo Wisconsin City Attorney, the Judges in the State of Wisconsin are not affected by our Constitutional laws. He told me that Municipal, County, State and Federal Statutes take precedence OVER The Constitution and over the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court AND Federal Courts of The United States. That was the City Attorneys response to my reading of the Supremacy clause (Article VI clauses 2 & 3) and several Federal Court and Supreme Court cites to the Judge, from the testifying chair! YOU, YOUR FAMILY and All Americans are in EXTREME DANGER when NO Judge in Wisconsin has to allow our Supreme Laws of The Land I would presume including our our 4th, 5th or 6th Amendment laws / protections and certainly not allowing Supreme Court and Federal Court findings and rulings, REGARDING OUR God endowed INDIVIDUAL UNALIENABLE Rights to be read to the Jury in the courtroom! OMG! The Peshtigo City told me that the Judges of Wisconsin will tell the jury what the law is as HE SEES FIT. And, that no citizen has the Right to read our Constitutional laws or Supreme Court rulings to the Jury! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have seen the Judges stick up for Federal Agent and Police brutality on Americans day in and day out. But yet still We The People are not allowed our 4th Amendment Right; The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. OR any other God given Right, as protected BY OUR CONSTITUTION, to be read in Court to the Jury. WATCH THESE VIDEOS and KNOW that you are NOT allowed to Read The Constitution, Supreme Court or Federal Court rulings to the Jury in your defense, at least NOT in Wisconsin. Only the Judge is allowed to TELL the Jury what the law is as he sees fit: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) In Bunkerville Nevada, a few months ago, fully armed Federal Agents of the BLM and DHS, along with several Federal Agent sniper teams tried to shoot 5000 Americans protesting in support of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. They tried to force them into a FREE SPEECH ZONE pen way in the desert miles away from where the U.S. Government was eviscerating the individual Rights and States Rights of the citizens of Clark County Nevada. If it wasnt for the American Militia Freedom Forces HUNDREDS of Americans, who FORCED the U.S. Government Enemy Forces to SURRENDER, would be dead today: See: ---> And, for hope see this: What Americans all need to understand is that our circuit Court Judicial systems ARE CAUSING THIS by DISOBEYING OUR Constitutional laws ON THEM and supporting the utter Constitutional CONTEMPT of the Federal Agents and the Police. THERE IS NO JUSTICE under OUR Supreme Laws of OUR Constitutional LAWS on THEM... The other thing WE Americans NEED TO ACCEPT is that The Constitution is NOT A MENU. We all need to accept that some Americans are going to be opposed to certain unalienable Rights endowed us by God. CASE IN POINT; the Right to Transport by any means we want, such as horses, bicycles, skateboards, mini-bikes, pickups, cars, SUVs without the infringement of permits, licenses, fees, registration or any other infringement. I know that a lot of you will DISagree with this God given Right as supported by SEVERAL Federal court cases and many of you will be TOTALLY against it because you feel, because you are inculcated by school, media, Government and others that you need a license to drive and that the vehicle must be registered, etc... But that is against our Constitutional laws and the Constitution IS NOT A MENU. If we start picking which God given Rights to take away, who among us are going to play god? And, in this case all tests conducted shows that there are NO MORE accidents without license or registration than with them. In fact some tests show there are actually LESS accidents without a license. We all have the INDIVIDUAL Right to Transport any way we wish, according to the LAW, without a license or any other cost as long as we are not driving commercially for a fee or pay. And, because we live in a republic of laws, NOT MEN, the American voting MOB cannot, UNDER THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, take that right away from us just because they FEEL that it is not right. JOIN OR BUILD YOUR LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES TODAY to RESTORE THE RULE of OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, which Support, Defend and RESTORE our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and our WHOLE Constitution UPON our elected USURPING enemies and their hired demon spawn. IF You cannot join a NEIGHBORHOOD Militia, due to some condition or age, FIND ONE and/OR form one ANYWAY, and ask them to protect you and your family. ---> YOU will NEVER find more LOVING people then those who are willing to PUT THEIR VERY LIVES on the line for YOU, for your family and for our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws. Wouldnt you rather trust the AMERICAN MILITIA FREEDOM FORCES than the U.S. Government and our elected Republican and Democrat USURPER enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment supreme laws on them? - Capt. Karl Copy and Paste this EVERYWHERE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE. Use all possible methods of dissemination.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:45:35 +0000

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