OMG !!! God saved my LIFE ! jun jun ! SAVE SIAL ! was on my - TopicsExpress


OMG !!! God saved my LIFE ! jun jun ! SAVE SIAL ! was on my fixie bike with my friend .. he took the lead .. we were kinda .... SPRINTING ... when i was behind him .. suddenly .. i thought if GOD.. for some weird reason i remembered how my mom told my that cycling was super dangerous .. on but we were not on the road we were on the pavement .. clear .... Then i said ... Father cover me with the blood of the lamb i some how for some weird weird reason slowed my bike ... Then there was bait of forested area alot of trees and plats and curve ... when we turn in ONE uncle with those MOTOR-bicycles and my friend face to face CRAH and SUPER SUPER HIGH SPEED ... thank good my distance was JUST enough to BRAKE until i was directly behind him .... my friend jialat wish you a speedy recovery THANK GOD no fractures ..... AMEN ! thank you God !! once again you saved me from something drastic . ..
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:07:25 +0000

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