OMG I JUST LEARNED THE SECRETS TO LEARNING ALL OF THE SWAHILI NOUN CLASSES !! ….. is what I would say if such secrets existed and I knew them … hahaha. Not funny? Google ‘Swahili Noun Classes’ (which I did) and you will find plenty of sites that have their own way of introducing them to you but since I tend to develop mental blocks for things that are boring I have to teach myself in a way that is more exciting. I need simple to the point explanations and following is my understanding about how to approach learning the noun classes and my plan of attack. 1. It’s not as bad as I thought. It may seem daunting at first glance but once you learn the basic (most used) classifications you’ll have a good enough foundation to learn the rest. Sike! It is as bad as I thought … but what can I do about it …. 2. You just have to memorize them and study – find a method and learn them or I’m guessing with conversation you will eventually learn usages and what goes where. I have the book ‘Swahili Noun Classes – Your Friendly Workbook and Guide’ by David Kyev but what does that mean? Nothing at all. I open this book and close it right back. Just kidding … sort of. It reads about old classification systems vs the new classification system and a bunch of stuff that will make sense to me later …but for right now…. Too much …cannot compute. 3. So what’s the plan? I’m going to revisit the vocabulary from the last couple of weeks and identify the class the words belong to and learn by creating new sentences …I suppose. And of course share with you all!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:06:59 +0000

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