OMG! OMG! ITS BLACK FRIDAY!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?! Well if youre like me and my family. Light a fire, enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers, play games and watch holiday cartoons all day. Yay! Hooray! Yes, our Black Friday ritual is in full swing. And it is in stark contrast to the madness that has taken over a growing number of people around the world. Black Friday shoppers this morning in hordes trampled over each other and fights broke out as people piled into Asda in London and Walmart in the US. But why do so many people take part in this insane shopping ritual? Dr. Ross Steinman, associate professor of psychology at Widener University, studies consumer behavior. He believes there are two types of Black Friday shoppers. For some, this is tradition, a way to do some shopping and get closer to family or friends. For others, it’s a competitive event. Their goal is to score all the doorbuster deals they’re after. They’re driven by the desire to get something — in this case a super-low price — that’s limited to a small group of customers. It’s what economists call “scarcity of opportunity.” Pam Lowell and her son Tyler woke up at 3 a.m. Friday and were in line by 4 a.m. “I don’t really care if I get something,” she said. “Tyler loves to shop and it gives us something to look forward to doing together. But some people get really nasty when there’s a deal they’re really after.” But married or not, I suggest bypassing the near-looting experience that’s become Black Friday. All that madness for more disposable consumer electronics? Not in my world. But give me 50 to 75 percent off hugs and kisses and drinking hot cocoa with my kids and sure, I’ll camp out in the cold, stand in a line around the block, whatever. But I digress. Black Friday for many has turned from bad to worse in terms of a competition. But whatever the result, we’ll be avoiding the chaos, having fun as a family -- creating new memories, working up an appetite and giving thanks.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:11:34 +0000

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