OMG ! This video IS SO IMPORTANT FOR YOUR CHILDREN, FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO WATCH, talk about BETWEEN Each other and share. ONLY the knowledge in this video can save America and Freedom now, from tyranny and individual poverty as is the result of IRS Government larceny of us and our economy, and the usurpation of our SOVEREIGN individual and STATE POWERS. Dear Lord, please let the American people understand all of the facets of this video, not only that of the Second Amendment, but the aspects and most vital principium FOUNDATION of other CONSTITUTIONAL and FREEDOM principles herein conveyed. Hey, guys, would you share and forward this to others? Sitdown with your children, of any age, and watch this video. Our Government sponsored school systems are not teaching these things. And, those who do bring these vital principles up are not teaching them in a way as to make the LIFE ALTERING / AMERICA ALTERING IMPACT needed to RESTORE the RULE OF OUR LAWS upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our wages, salaries, property, economy, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, STATES RIGHTS, State and Popular Sovereignty, as is vital for your children to become successful, wealthy and prosperous UNDER GOD. OUR LAWS limit power and spending of our elected Republican and Democrat enemies to only eighteen items, as itemized under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution PURSUANT TO the supremacy clause of Article VI clause 2 as well as PURSUANT TO our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws. These laws must be ENFORCED by We The People, through the powers of each of OUR Home Countries, which form according to the preamble of The Constitution, fifty free and sovereign States. And, if necessary to ENFORCE our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws OURSELVES, for these two laws are the law that Support, Protect and Defend the entire balance of The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and The entire Constitution. AND, these laws, IF ENFORCED by State and Local LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTION, supported, facilitated and backed up by Constitutional Militia, comprised of We The People volunteers, not only will WE dissolve the size, powers, scope, tyranny, spending, corruption, coercion, oppression, larceny of our elected Republican and Democrat Federal enemies of our Constitutional laws, but WE THE PEOPLE will ensure that they no longer PERVERT the LEGAL MEANING of the words general welfare, regulate (in the commerce clause) or as necessary and proper clauses, which by perversion they use to USURP power and transfer our wages, salaries and property, as well as power to crony quasi-monopoly corporations and mega-banksters by regulating small businesses out of existence and eviscerating the competition for their buddies, from whom campaign contributions really flow. Also keep in mind that our State of Wisconsin Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision provides for STATE laws that commence incremental State nullification of all UNLAWFUL Acts, usurpations, all Federal spending and all Income Taxes that exceed the RULE OF OUR LAWS. If you want to join our Movement to use State legislation to RESTORE the Rule of Law to dissolve the size, powers, scope, spending, corruption, tyranny, coercion, oppression and subjugation of the U.S. Government and our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our economy and Bill of Rights SIGNUP for our Solidarity for the Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION, HERE: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:34:15 +0000

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