OMG! What a revelation the Lord has just given me... - TopicsExpress


OMG! What a revelation the Lord has just given me... Flabbargasted!! Since 3 days ago, I came across something and felt the Lord ws telling me something...The number 11...I wanted to call a friend in the Lord but was very busy..I wanted to ask the spiritual meaning of the number 11. Now! Now! Now! Something just caught my eye when I was browsing fb..yes, someones status...I felt something in my spirit and urged to search for The Parable of Workers in the Vineyard in the Holy Bible. GAT IT!! The Lord is speaking!! Wow! Matthew 20:1-16 It is about a man who went to hire men (political leaders) to work in his vineyard (Malawi). He agreed to pay them denarius (presidency) for the day and sent them into his vineyard (Malawi). About a third hour he went out and saw others (potential candidates) standing in the market place doing nothing (they were just idle, doing nothing, watching those buying and selling...thats all!). He told them you also go and work in my vineyard (Malawi) and I will pay you whatever is right So they went. (So, it was just by chance, they were just discovered that they were idle and called to do something they never thought of to search for in the first place). He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing...(Shaaa! The Lord has been busy recruiting ever since at different periods thru party conventions to check which one deserved the Malawi presidency). ABOUT THE ELEVENTH HOUR he went out and found others still standing around. He asked them, why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing? Because no one has hired us, they answered He said to them, You also go and work in my vineyard....(So these ones were literally looking for jobs and someone to hire them..unlike the first, second and third group who were sort of forced into the field because of circumstances). When evening (election period--painde-inde pa zonse) came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, call the workers and pay them their wages BEGINNING with the LAST ONES HIRED and going on to the first. The workers who were hired about the ELEVENTH HOUR came and each received a denarius (Presidency in their political parties). So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius (presidency in their political parties). When they received it, they began to grumble against the land owner. These men who were hired last worked only ONE HOUR, they said, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day. (Those veteran politicians who were called into the vineyard(Malawi) long time started complaining...why shud we be treated as equals, enjoying somehow similar earnings or support yet we have toiled and toiled over the years unlike the new comer politicians...shaaa!) But he answered them, friend, I am not being unfair to you, didnt you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I WANT TO GIVE THE MAN WHO WAS HIRED LAST the same as I gave you. Dont I have the right to do what I want with my own money? (Thats the LORDS decision, HIS WILL) or are you envious because I am generous? (I the LORD chooses to give the Presidency to whoever I want!) SO THE LAST WILL BE THE FIRST, AND THE FIRST WILL BE THE LAST.. wow!! So, the Lord decided to reward MORE (the presidency of the nation to the one who came last minute..yes, THE ELEVENTH HOUR....shaaa!! Key: is amongst the 11 contesting for the presidency in the national elections, having come at the ELEVENTH HOUR in politics!!... Ndaopa!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:01:08 +0000

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