OMG and wow thank you so much for your patience that I owe use - TopicsExpress


OMG and wow thank you so much for your patience that I owe use Part 7 & 8 of "Forever I Will Wait" Love me Oi I mean use :) #Tee part 7 i froze tears running down my eyes i had to wipe them away to see if i was dreaming but no there he was with some other girl fast asleep clothes on though but images of what they had been doing before falling asleep ripped my heart open and now all i wanted to do was hurt them so i grabbed the girl by the hair and threw her on the ground slapped joe on the face and screamed at the top of my lungs,by now i had woken up his whole family,his mum came in first and saw the girl and me crying and punching joe while he was trying to calm me she was talking in sa i could understand what she was saying she looked at the girl and told her to get out of her house...i cant describe the different emotions that i was feeling..i was in shock and just wanted him to tell me why?his whole family were disgusted at him and what he did i for one didnt know what i was feeling his mum apologised,his brother kevin hus sisters said to leave him he wasnt any good for me...but i for one didnt know how to feel how to react,i was still i couldnt think,i felt lost and heartbroken...joe begged me for forgiveness,saying nothing happend she didnt mean anything and that it was me he loved..i turned to him still crying,slapped him in the face got up and walked out,called my dad and he picked me up....his family were supportive of me i guess they understood what i was going through... part8 weeks later i was still trying to piece everything together,trying to mend my broken heart,crying myself to sleep,couldnt eat couldnt sleep and didnt want to get out of started getting sick of lying to joe for me saying i wasnt home,im not back from work etc...i didnt want to live anymore i was a wreck...its now been 4months since i last saw joe had anything to do with him the mention of his name would bring tears to my eyes..i know that through all the hurt and pain i was still in love with him but i had to heal myself and get it together...his sister and i stayed in touch she understood me and would never mention anything unless i asked..oneday she said cindy do you think you could ever forgive joe i know what he did is unforgettable but i think he really does love you and regrets what he did he just seems so lost without you,he said he lost the best thing that ever came into his life...i stayed quiet didnt say anything afraid of letting him in again and getting hurt..,.deep down i could never love another because hes my first my love my everything...but i wasnt ready to forgive and forget...!I started socialising again trying anything to forget joe,weekends i always made sure i had plans during the week i kept myself busy with work,now and again joe would come into mind but ill quickly push him back into my memory where he belonged...Its now been a year i see joe now and again still meet up with his sisters and talk to his mum but havent had the courage to talk to joe out of fear...fear that ill fall for his charms again..i never dated anyone but i always hear about joe breaking up with this one and dating that one,i guess he moved on while i was stuck in my memories of him..i went out clubbing met guys but they werent joe..i missed him and was still in love with him and i couldnt just erase everything,no matter how hard i tried..!One night angel and i and a few of our friends went out to the city and we bumped into joe and some of his friends we said hello to each other but acted like felt like seeing him bought out the bad memory of him i had of that night but i quickly brushed it aside and tried to jus leave everything in the past where it belonged...I tried to enjoy myself but couldnt with joe standing there watching my every move and i didnt want to do anything to hurt him out of revenge so if a guy asked me to dance i would just say no..there were moments where i would just steal a glance his way when he wasnt looking i couldnt help myself i was still in love wiyh him....The night was coming to an end so Angel came and said we were leaving but Joe said its alright shes coming with me.....
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 09:57:33 +0000

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