OMG. ::thud:: This has been the day from... well, not - TopicsExpress


OMG. ::thud:: This has been the day from... well, not *hell*, exactly, but hell adjacent? Hell can be seen from this days front porch? Something like that. I had my doctors appointment this morning, so about 11 we headed outside. To a flat tire. And her AAA has expired, so after she was unhappy for a bit, she changed the tire. And we found out that the tire had nails in it (damn construction materials in the road) and a slit in the tire. And her donut is pretty much slicker than cat snot on a doorknob, to quote my grandpa. Called, and had to reschedule my doctors appointment for 2:45, so we went to see about getting the tire fixed. Uhm, nope. Theres a slit in the tire - not down to the innards, but they wont fix the nail holes, and theres no way we can afford a new tire until her payday on the 25th. Okay. Were going to go park our butts at Barnes and Noble and relax until time to head to the doctors. She gets us each a drink and her debit card is blocked. The bank says shes behind on her credit card payment and she says shes not, because when she refinanced the car in July, they upped her credit limit and she didnt *have* a payment then to get behind on. So... no money for anything until the 25th, unless she can convince the bank that theyre idiots. Anyone want to bet on how well that conversation will go? Finally, time to go to the doctors and the only good news of the day - its shingles. Im now on antivirals and difulcan for the antibiotic induced yeasties. She gave me lidocaine patches for my arm as well, and Im upping the gabapentin that I was already on. Hopefully, this will make it easier to bear. I did have to laugh - we were all walking out and she poked me in my arm. My sore arm. She just wasnt thinking but the look on her face when I gasped was priceless. Im going to miss her when we move, thats for sure. So... were home. Food has been acquired and Cassie will go get my meds in a bit. Again, I say ::thud::
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 21:22:13 +0000

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