OMNICORP presents the future of American policing. ROBO-COP,the - TopicsExpress


OMNICORP presents the future of American policing. ROBO-COP,the ultimate killing man-chine. Joel Kinnaman stars as Alex Murphy with a zeal in accordance to his sworn oath law of service;thus,To Serve And Protect With Integrity.Admist the detriment of his life,well-being,family and anti-crime partner,he forges ahead to bring crime offenders to book;furthermore,justice.Little did he know that he had entangled himself into a web of lies,disloyalty and intrigue,suffering a desperate attempt to end his life as a fatal consequent result.Many thanks to OMNICORP and the brilliance in the genius doctor,Dr Denneth Norton who took the remains of his survival body parts from a major fourth degree burn which dealt a deadly/big blow of over about 80% of his entire body,severing his lower spine as caused by an implanted bomb underneath his car,right in front of his home by a should-be ally/anti-crime agent;rendering him into a critical state of health condition,unfortunately. Science is the study of nature and the simulation of its principles and properties in solving practical problems of life and OMNICORP on the other hand supports such.Dr Denneth Nortons sound research work was funded by the supposed OMNICORP to which ROBOCOP became a resultant product following an aftermath of disapproval by the vote of the entire American populace over at the Novak polls,spear driven by Senator Hubert Dreyfus as narrated by Pat Novak,played by the prolific Samuel L.Jackson. Doubt is mans greatest fear and emotion remains mans greatest weakness and little did OMNICORP know,headed by the CEO Raymond Sellars that it would but as anticipated by Dr Denneth Norton that it should play a key-role about decision making in man as regards hesitation,influencing reaction time.Emotions;the innate human element such as compassion,instincts,bias,empathy,fear,love,pity,anxiety and the rest have you.Mattox;a red-asset,tag named ROBOCOP tin-man and despised him with a strong passion.The concept of a man inside a machine was indeed over-ruled by OMNICORPs egotism of impressing the American Congress and the entire public with the Wow-Factor by simply manipulating the illusion of Alex Murphys free-will,making him a passenger for the thrill ride of combat upon combat activated mode when the visor comes down over his face;a machine who thinks he is Alex Murphy rather than a machine who thinks that it is a man.The relay in information feedback/threat assessment levels was enhanced,simply by making his soft-ware faster and the hard-ware stronger since the human element hampered his reaction time hence,he became a better killing man-chine.The legal and the marketing departments/personnels of OMNICORP were solely concerned about the reputation of ROBOCOP ignoring his scientific and humanly attributes,thereby escalating the problems of his human element.His wife and son were the worst affected/hit as the whole trauma tore his family deep apart.Gun-fights of assaults were a joy to watch in this brilliant work of cinematic art as well as the use of sophisticated weaponry.I must applaud the high level of intelligence and the gratuitous use of high-tech gadgets about this movie as it did,set my imaginations sailing on an open sea ship cruise.At the end,justice was served on the part of Alex Murphy but kept impending via the re-appeal of the Dreyfus-Act by Congress.Some moments of hysterical humour admist an awful lotta action packages.ROBOCOP had a tough time in balancing the equity scale of logic versus emotion as they both influenced his human element.The choice soundtracks were on point as well as the story-line,my opinion though.My greatest single happiness was that Dr Denneth Norton played by Gary Oldman;acknowledged the fact that he sincerely,was wrong about the use of his sound research work aside its credibility.The high point of the movie was when Alex Murphy/ROBOCOP broke protocol and went-off solving his own murder crime scene.How sad it however truly was as a result,for him to have been unplugged/shut-down just at the point of self-served justice by Mattox,himself.A great movie in conclusion as i hung on the edge of my seat with my eyes stuck on the screen,all through the entire length of the movie as it was a clear case of bad-cop versus good-cop;oopps,my bad-ROBOCOP.Haha,lolz! Last quotes;The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain-Daniel Goleman ...! There is a zero correlation between IQ and emotional empathy ...theyre controlled by different parts of the brain-Daniel Goleman ...! Mindful meditation has been discovered to foster the ability to inhibit those quick emotional impulses-Daniel Goleman ...!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:18:12 +0000

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