OMNIPOTENT-OMNIPRESENT-OMNISCIENT GOD AND ITS FAILURE ; “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” Epicurus quotes (Greek philosopher, BC 341-270). Since time immemorial,respective gods have invariably failed to safeguard and protect their own abode and their most obedient credulous and gullible followers.When Mohd Ghazni had reached the gates of fabulous Somnath Temple,on his plundering trip,the pujaris instead of fighting and defending temple,only intensified their appeasement and cajolement in the form of prayers.With what result ?The Somnath Temple was thereafter plundered and destroyed more than eight times. In Kulu,people have an unwavering faith in supposed deities and they believe that the protectors of the world [deities] need not to be protected by guards or CCTV cameras.And now despite their eternal faith,in yet another theft in historical temples across Himachal Pradesh and perhaps the most audacious one too,thieves took away 40 kg silver and 165 gold ornaments from the historic Raghunath Temple on Tuesday night.The value of stolen property is estimated to be around 23.81 lakh. What sort of gods people worship-godswho would not lift even their little finger to preserve and protect their own abodes and also protect their own devotees.And despite their established failure,followers and believers are always there to pray,hay prabhu,hamaree rakhsha karo.What a divine paradox ???
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 05:27:56 +0000

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