OMW... we need to share this. Another reason to NOT eat our fur - TopicsExpress


OMW... we need to share this. Another reason to NOT eat our fur kids :(. This taken from the International Animal Rescue Foundation World Action SA page (but dont look there as the photo is grim :(). I say vegetarian is the way to go! DD EBOLA UPDATE; Dog meat and Dogs - The real cause of Ebola spread? Before reading this article please note that Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever although is linked to canines but not felines, cases of Ebola via pet meat consumption is still limited in research. Picture - Kpalwega/Bawku, Ghana dog meat We know the following; 1. Dogs within West Africa are mainly strays. These strays tend to fend for themselves. They feed on dead carrion that can be infected with the worlds deadliest virus - Ebola Virus. Dogs do not show signs of Ebola virus when infected. Cases of dog deaths from Ebola do not occur that we know of. 2. Dogs can when they have eaten infected Ebola meat such as dead primates pass the virus back to villagers. Villagers can become infected when coming into direct contact with the dogs but NOT cats. I.e Dog licking the face of locals, dog urinating next to local camps. Fluids passed on infect others. 3. Dog meat is a highly sought after meat within West Africa. Dog and Cat meat is eaten mainly by men. Killed by men but prepared more by women. Pet meat is mainly eaten due to high meat prices of other meat. Climate change that has reduced and/or damaged agricultural land and for medicinal purposes. 4. Dog meat is not the leading cause for Ebola spread. Bush meat is. 5. FACT International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa back in December 2013 warned many health organisations that there was a high possibility that a new or known outbreak of virus would soon emerge from the consumption of dog and/or bush meat. This can be viewed in many 2013 articles via our sister site hereto at Say No To Dog Meat.Net 6. International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa was the first organisation to document in full on the Africans pet meat trade. Yet none took our concerns seriously. Even with scientific data on suspected virus emergence. Even with the massive death toll still rising from Ebola and evidence that pinpoints dogs as being carriers of Ebola virus governments still take no notice. West Africans consumers still consume dog meat even though dogs that could be infected show no signs of Ebola at all. Ghanas, Liberians and Leones are still consuming dog meat despite the public health warning. Parts of the three northern regions are fast gaining notoriety in the trade of dogs, not for security purposes but for the meat of the animal. The apparent mad rush for dog meat in these areas has resulted in a situation where dogs are now more expensive than goats and sheep of the same size in the local markets. A dog dealer, Akurugu Ayindo, said business was booming and that he was making twice the profit he got from the sale of other animals. Picture of African dog meat is seen below. He stated that a one-year-old dog could go for GH¢25 as compared to goat or sheep of the same size which was available for a little under GH¢10. He however complained that the animals were difficult to acquire. He explained that he had to travel several kilometers to the outskirts of town before he could get supplies, sometimes at cut-throat prices, from some middle men who were beginning to dominate the business. He said this was why there was a hike in the prices of dogs, and that he could sell between 10 to 25 dogs every week. At a popular spot where dog meat is greatly patronized in Tamale, near the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (Radio Savanna), the owner stated when she started, she slaughtered a dog each day but was now processing about five a day. The meat, according to her, was heavily patronized on weekends with many customers placing orders for their choice in advance. She said the hind leg of stewed dog meat could go for GH¢8 while other parts could cost up to GH¢10. She stated that over 300 dogs had been slaughtered since the inception of her business five years ago. At certain places, customers had to queue to buy cooked dog meat. A loyal customer, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he could not live for a week without taking dog meat. According to him, the meat offered him the opportunity to fraternize with his friends during the weekends. So whats the BIG ISSUE with African dog meat? Well the first week International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa reported on Ebola and dog meat hereto we was concerned that dog meat was posing more a risk via cross contamination from dead carrion. Now this danger has changed AND STILL the Worlds Governments FAIL to take our CONCERNS seriously. Dogs are digging up the corpses of Ebola victims buried in shallow graves in Liberia and eating them in the street, villagers have claimed. Liberia ODDLY is the LARGEST dog meat eating African country and ODDLY yet COINCIDENTALLY has the LARGEST death rate of Ebola cases. C,mon please #WorldHealthOrganisation - answer our damn emails and please respond to those that have studied this trend for many years - documented on it in 2013. Furious residents of Johnsonville Township, outside capital Monrovia, raised the alarm after packs of wild dogs were spotted digging up corpses from a specially-designated Ebola graveyard, dragging them into the open and feeding on their flesh. It is the latest development in the epidemic, which was today confirmed to have reached Senegal. The grisly scenes in Liberia came three weeks after government health officials - desperate to stem the countrys rising infection rate - hurriedly buried the bodies despite a heated standoff with villagers who refused to give their permission to use the land. But rather than resolve the dispute, Liberias Ministry of Health burial team dug the graves at night to avoid further confrontation, making the infected bodies easy targets for scavengers, villagers say. Now fears are mounting that the dogs - which cannot grow sick from the strain of Ebola running rampant through West Africa but can carry it - will be able to pass it on to humans through licking or biting. We are very disappointed in the Health Ministry, especially the government that took an oath to defend and protect us, Alfred Wiah told The New Dawn. To see them act in such manner is unacceptable and we’ll never allow the government come to bury any longer. He added: They will be resisted by us because I think the government has failed to protect us. Why bring Ebola bodies and not bury them well? While the dogs are unlikely to grow sick from the virus, there is a strong chance they could still pass it on to humans, Dr. Stephen Korsman of the University of Cape Town’s medical virology division stated. [The dogs] infections appear to be asymptomatic, he said. This means that dogs won’t get sick, but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting. The news comes as it was revealed the killer disease has reached Senegal, making it the fifth West African country to be affected by the outbreak as published this August 2014. The countrys Ministry of Health said a man infected with Ebola traveled to Senegal, bringing the disease to that country for the first time in an outbreak that has hit four other West African nations and killed more than 1,500 people. To date the death toll has now risen to almost 6000. No end is in sight despite a non-human tested type vaccine. Health Minister Awa Marie Coll Seck stated that the infected person, a university student from Guinea, sought treatment at a hospital in Senegals capital, Dakar, that Tuesday but gave no indication he might have Ebola. The next day, an epidemiological surveillance team in Guinea alerted Senegalese authorities that they had lost track of a person who had had contact with sick people. The team said that the person disappeared three weeks ago and may have come to Senegal. The student was tracked to the hospital in Dakar that same day and was immediately quarantined, Seck said. A test has confirmed that he has Ebola, and the World Health Organization has been alerted. And in a further blow to the fight against the outbreak, scientists claimed the Ebola virus disease is rapidly and continually mutating, making it harder to diagnose and treat. A study of the initial patients diagnosed with the virus in Sierra Leone revealed almost 400 genetic modifications. And it could be detrimental not only to current treatments, but also to future vaccines that are in the works. The team of researchers, led by the Broad Institute in Massachusetts and Harvard University, analysed more than 99 Ebola virus genomes. Also, the World Health Organization revealed that the past week has seen the highest increase of Ebola cases since the outbreak in West Africa began. The U.N. health agency warned that the outbreak in West Africa is accelerating and could eventually infect as many as ONE MILLON. So far it has killed more than 5,000+ people it has sickened in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, according to an official count. The U.N. health agency said it assumes that in many hard-hit areas, the actual number of cases may be two to four times higher than is currently reported. In a detailed report on the outbreak published August 2014, the WHO said more than 500 cases were recorded over that past week, by far the worst toll of any week so far. The vast majority of the cases were in Liberia, but the agency said it was also the highest number of cases in one week for Guinea and Sierra Leone. Nigeria has also recorded a small number of cases. So again International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa states WHY is DOG MEAT not being banned in consumption countries. Why is the WHO and worlds governments NOT documenting on this issue professionally? Who knows - After all were just a wildlife and animal welfare company.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:34:50 +0000

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