ON ABUNDANCE Todays a special day about abundance for the Sun - TopicsExpress


ON ABUNDANCE Todays a special day about abundance for the Sun meets Jupiter, the planet of largesse, but one day a year.. it made me remember a response I wrote once to a sweet guy here. If youve been around awhile, you might remember. CONFIDENTIAL TO JAMES: Ok my friend, you wrote to thank me for all that I write here. And said youre super happy that I give so much away so you never had to buy anything cuz “you’re not only broke, but REALLY cheap too :)) Well, first, Im honestly glad youre here! But I have to add this cuz...well, you know me lol. If you say youre not only broke but cheap, youll CONTINUE to attract scarcity and fear. Thats just one awfully specific vibe. But Its NOT hard to learn to become a conduit for what WANTS to come through you. Then the Universe can bring what YOU need and ALSO let you GIVE as well. Then you truly want to support ANYONE whos helpful to you. The longing just arises. You enter the Flow by giving BACK. So heres a pertinent quote from Outrageous Openness cuz this stuff works!! Maybe try as a experiment for a while. Why not? Give some things away. Pay for some friends’ meals (even if theyre cheap ones). Do whatever it takes to feel prosperous despite current appearances. And never, EVER say you’re broke. If you dwell in the vibration of fear, doubt, and constriction THAT you will undoubtedly continue to attract. If you continue to insist you never have enough, the world will heartily agree. But if you let yourself Be what you think you need, one way or another, it will come. (page 63). PS. Broke and cheap are really TWO different deals. Broke you can fix by CHANGING the words to temporarily financially challenged. Its happened to the best of us! Nothing to be ashamed of. Then you can learn how to make the Divine your Source for all. And what you need comes that way, It takes practice but its learnable and all in the book. However, cheap is a DIFFERENT story. Cheap is often Fear saying, I dont WANT to be a conduit. I dont want to spend and I dont want to give. But you have to want to let the Universe USE YOU TO GIVE. You become part of Eternitys Flow. Otherwise everything is just constipated and stuck. Luckily there are Change me Prayers: Change me Divine Beloved into One who happily gives and happily receives, knowing You are the consummate Source of all. Let me be a conduit for abundance!! I am Yours! So, thanks for sparking all of this, dear James. Omg, I guess youre truly a conduit after all! :)) amazon/Outrageous-Openness-Letting-Divine-Take/dp/1476789746/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1406218028&sr=1-1&keywords=outrageous+openness
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:09:35 +0000

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