ON APC DIRECTIVES TO ITS LAW MAKERS The APC have been at the - TopicsExpress


ON APC DIRECTIVES TO ITS LAW MAKERS The APC have been at the receiving end of accusations from most Nigerians since the party directed ists members in the legislative chambers to boycott the passage of 2014 budget. Sincerely, there nothing wrong in this directive given by APC to its lawmakers. Many people are quick to say APC are insensitive to the plight of Nigerians, selfish and mean no well for the Nigerian people. Looking pack to 2013 when the Republican party members in American congress (equivalent to Nigerias house of assembly) masterminded and shutdown the American government due to their disagreement with Obama health care policies (ObamaCare). When this happened the American people were not quick to start throwing blames because they knew it was in their own interest and that shutdown let to several reforms in ObamaCare and today the American people are better for it. Also, most Nigerians have not taken the time to look into this budget that the APC is calling its members not to pass. Those of us who took the time in going through the 2014 budget has understood how flawed that budget is. The 2014 budget as prepared and submitted by the FG is an anti-people budget and a budget of wastage. The 2014 budget as it stands; is only a budget prepared to fund PDPs 2015 elections. A budget that has no serious plans for mass job creation for the Nigerian youth. The 2014 budget has no Nigerian face and it will only make this government and the people in it get their belly more fattened up. This budget that most Nigerians are naively calling to be passed contains the following among others, the purchase of one sewage truck for N67 million, two benches for N2 million, embalming machine for N1.65 million, x-ray machine for N34.1 million, purchase of mammography machine N41.1 million, a post-mortem table for N4 million, oxygen generating plant for N70 million, massage bed worth N2.1 million, handcraft rowing machine worth N1.2 million as well as two of sauna bath sets worth N6 million, as well as the N37.5 billion allocation for wildlife conservation for Aso Rock zoo - comprising items like two animals worth N14.5 million, upgrading and maintenance of the State House zoo for N8 million, renovation of the horses stables/paddock for the zoo for N15 million and purchase of wildlife capture equipment valued at N5 million, N120 million for the maintenance of first lady office. Besides these, a major budgeting error was noticed with the Investments and Securities Tribunal where N7.88 million was budgeted for maintenance of aircraft, sea boats and railway equipment which the agency does not have. These and more are what the APC as a true Nigerian party saw and is prepared to save Nigerians from this pending doom and siphoning of our common wealth by this administration. This financial recklessness and looting of public funds must stop. The APC mean well for Nigerians and for once, an opposition party is putting its feet down to make sure its no longer business as usual, where the budgets are always rubber stamped both by the two legislative chambers. The APC only want the budget to be scrutinized and review to be more people centered rather than the ogas at the top In concluding, I advice Nigerians to look more into the budget, take time and review it before calling for its passage. There is more hidden agendas in the 2014 budget that most Nigerians dont know. Take the time, see the budget for yourself before making baseless accusations against the APC. APC stands for accountability and transparency in this nation. It can no longer be business as usual.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:36:36 +0000

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