ON KRISHNA NEVER PERFORMED MIRACLES MANY MAY BE SURPRISED BY THE ABOVE STATEMENT. KILLING OF KANS BY A CHILD CAN BE TAKEN AS A MIRACLE. ALSO YASHODA SEEING THE WORLD IN HIS MOUTH, HIS LIFIPTING GOWARDHAN MOUNTAIN, TURNING DAY INTO NIGHT DURING WAR....ARE ALL MANIFESTATIONS OF SUPER NATURAL POWERS, I SUPPOSE. FOLLOWING EXCERPTS SHOULD NOT LEAVE ANY DOUBT ABOUT MIRACLES PERFORMED: Krishna was pleading with Yashoda (Krishnas foster mother) that he should be allowed to go to the forest with other cowherd boys. Thinking that if he were put to sleep he would forget his desire to go to the forest, Yashoda gave him milk. Krishna was no ordinary child. While drinking the milk, he pretended as if he was sleepy. He made pretence of yawning to indicate his drowsiness. In that wide-open mouth of Krishna, Yashoda saw all kinds of things - all the worlds in motion and many deities. She could not make out what it meant. Is it a dream or Vishnus Maayaa? Or is it some fantasy of mine? Or is it real? Am I Yashoda? Have I gone somewhere? These thoughts racked her mind. My son is an infant. How can all the worlds appear in his tiny mouth? It must be my imagination. Such doubts arise in the minds of those who are caught in the delusion of the body complex.saikrishnaaya.tripod/krishna/krishna11.htm Gowardha Puja is celebrated the day after Diwali. It is the day Lord Krishna defeated Indra, the deity of thunder and rain. As per the story, Krishna saw huge preparations for the annual offering to Indra and questions his father Nanda about it. He debated with the villagers about what their dharma truly was. They were farmers, they should do their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their cattle. He continued to say that all human beings should merely do their dharma, to the best of their ability and not pray or conduct sacrifices for natural phenomenon. The villagers were convinced by Krishna, and did not proceed with the special puja (prayer). Indra was then angered, and flooded the village. Krishna then lifted Mt Govardhan and held it up as protection to his people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and recognized Krishna as supreme. This aspect of Krishnas life is mostly glossed over - but it actually set up on the basis of the karma philosophy later detailed in the Bhagavad Gita.[citation needed] en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Govardhan_hill
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:40:19 +0000

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