ON THE TRUE ORIGINS OF THE CHAKRAS, TREE OF LIFE, AND SACRED GEOMETRY Yes. Yes, yes, yes... Much is being slung around the net these days about sacred geometry and how it is the key to understanding everything. We see diagram after diagram of the Vesica Piscis, Metatrons cube, the Vector Equilibrium, the sixty four tetrahedron grid, the dual torus, and so on. Generally these are accompanied by a brief synopsis of how one constructs a diagram comprised of overlapping circles, and what those circles represent. And for the most part these diagrams are geometrically correct. And generally speaking the application of said geometries has some relevance or use in the context of whatever piece is being presented. Indeed, I presented the entire Pythagorean scale and an abundance of other musical scales and their corresponding geometrical constructions as distilled from the simple construct of the Flower of Live (an array of overlapped Vesica Piscis carried out to the nth degree so as to properly engulf the totality of angles in Metatrons cube, which thirteen actually does not accomplish...) Okay. So what. Of what relevance is this to the previous posts wherein I proclaim confidently that the material universe is comprised of consciousness only? The answer is this: Though matter is not actual in the way most people perceive it to be, we do in fact EXPERIENCE it as actual. This makes it a very REAL component of Universe, albeit one that is largely misunderstood. This component of material is, finally, a GEOMETRIC expression which is to say, one of SHAPE AND FORM AND FUNCTION, and therefore does fall under the mandates of geometric principle. So lets scale back and discuss geometric principle in terms of solid matter, since that is what the entire exercise is all about: ENABLING US TO EXPERIENCE IDEAS AS REAL AND ACTUAL ARTIFACTS. Whereby if our understanding of geometric principle is flawed, so too will all of the artifacts and renderings drafted within the paradigm of this flawed understanding contain the errors of misapplication and inaccurate property, and manifest them as STRUCTURAL INSTABILITIES. Whereupon that which we build shall fall, and that which we trust shall betray us. Rather, lets do our diligence on the ideas that we take most for granted once again, for almost always are the lies snuck into our inventories in the thickness of our staple foods. I want to share with those of you who wish to understand the very core aspects and fundamental design truths that generate EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, so that you may go about the business of reaping the benefits of that which you put your efforts into. The ideas I will share are of course not my own. Rather, I have been fortunate enough to receive the instruction from a most generous benefactor and tutor, and so I will simply relate the aspects that I can describe effectively, as well as provide you with the necessary constituents and references to pursue further any particular you may wish, without the impositions of such miscreant concepts as original idea and personal invention and so forth. NONE of this is my design, and none of that which exists belongs to me or was drafted by my hand alone, but is the free gift of the progenitor of all true thought. So in that spirit, I shall in the very next post immediately begin the process of distilling the CORE PRINCIPLES behind the drawing of circles and angles and such, and we shall put to the test the widely believed theory that sacred geometry, as represented by the majority of those who choose to speak on the issue, is indeed the proper construct within which we make manifest our thoughts. Standby. :)
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 09:13:03 +0000

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