ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Brought to you by the Clarksville Indiana - TopicsExpress


ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Brought to you by the Clarksville Indiana Army Recruiting Center. 1831 Belgium became independent as Leopold I was proclaimed King of the Belgians. 1861 The first Battle of Bull Run was fought at Manassas, Va., during the Civil War, resulting in a Confederate victory. 1899 Author Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Ill. 1944 The Democratic National Convention in Chicago nominated Sen. Harry S. Truman to be vice president. 1949 The U.S. Senate ratified the North Atlantic Treaty. 1954 France surrendered North Vietnam to the Communists. 1961 Capt. Virgil Gus Grissom became the second American to rocket into a sub-orbital pattern around the Earth, flying on the Liberty Bell 7. 1969 Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin blasted off from the moon aboard the lunar module. 1988 Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis accepted the Democratic presidential nomination at the partys convention in Atlanta. 1998 Astronaut Alan Shepard died at age 74. 2002 Telecommunications giant WorldCom Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection after disclosing it had inflated profits by nearly $4 billion through deceptive accounting. 2007 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final volume in the book series by J.K. Rowling, went on sale. 2008 Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, one of the worlds top war crimes fugitives, was arrested in a Belgrade suburb by Serbian security forces. 2010 President Barack Obama signed into law the most sweeping overhaul of U.S. lending and high finance rules since the 1930s. 2011 The space shuttle program came to an end after 30 years as Atlantis landed at Cape Canaveral, Fla..
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:44:21 +0000

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