ON behalf of Officer Don Hopkins, I post this for your - TopicsExpress


ON behalf of Officer Don Hopkins, I post this for your enlightenment. PLEASE share... With Many Thanks & With a Sorrowed Heart, I Greet each of You tonight! Jim, Sidney, Nina, Kathy & Others I left out To Each of You Administrators on FTS & Community Watch & to ALL who have supported & defended me throughout this legal city mess. It is with sad heart that I must tell you that as it stands now and as it appears from the meeting today, that no matter the outcome & decision of the Meridian Civil Service Commission, Percy Bland has ensured that I will not be reinstated nor paid up or compensated for all of this lost time & wages I have incurred from this mess. I can’t & won’t speak for Dean Harper, but it will relatively be the same for him for his hearing and the other Employee hearings that follow under this administration. After meeting with my Attorney today, I was advised that the Civil Service Commission appears to be completely split down the middle on a black & white line (race Line) & nothing can be done to render a fair and non-bias judgment. It has been reported that Bland has made it a point that he was not going to appoint George Thomas’s selection of Civil Service Commissioner onto the Commission Board until after the hearings have been held. This presents a decision rendering problem as you have no deciding vote to render a fair verdict for either side, the Mayor can then step in and remove the case from the Commission & order the case be sent to the State Supreme Court for Final Ruling. I was advised by My Attorney that We can request to postpone the hearing until the Mayor appoints the remaining Commissioner but that the City does not have to approve that request, and can mandate the hearing be held as long as there is a quorum of three or more present regardless of fair or equal representation. I was further advised that if the hearing goes forth as scheduled on the 25th of June at 10am and the vote is split down the middle that Bland will then send it to the State Supreme Court for a final ruling and that they have always regardless of the evidence, circumstances or validated proof, voted with the Municipality or County involved to protect the Government entity and the employee loses. At this time my financial situation has hit rock bottom and I no longer have the funds to fight this matter beyond the date of the hearing and currently I am having to sell off some items to keep afloat until that time. The final financial straw was drawn today, due to all the expenses I’ve continued to incur from this Extended Unwarranted Legal mess and my required medical treatments & monthly prescription requirements, I was forced today to file for withdrawal of my 23.5 years of PERs retirement payments and close my retirement account in order to maintain my medical expenses and general household matters. There is nothing more that we can do other than to begin selling off our assets, which we have begun to do today. I will say that I am more concerned for what this does for any other Officer in Meridian that becomes involved in a shooting incident. This sets precedence for the City, that in any Officer Involved shooting, the Officer involved is wrong regardless & fighting a losing battle, because the City can financially out last the Officer involved whether the officer committed a crime or not. I also discovered that to this day the City of Meridian has continued to ILLEGALLY retain My State LEO Certification & License against state law and thereby have prevented me from being hired by any LEO agency anywhere in this state or by any Private Security Organization. This is just completely wrong to persecute anyone for defending themselves. If you have time, This may be worthy of your time, Please be at the Civil Service Hearing for Officer Adam Meadors at 4pm this Wednesday, 3rd Floor of City Hall. He was terminated for being outspoken on Facebook without identifying anyone or even mentioning anyone by name or position. Lee terminated him because he felt the image Meadors posted was an act of degradation & aggression against Bland & him & was an imposition on his leadership style. Lastly: I do appreciate all that everyone has done to try & right these wrongs that have occurred over the past eleven months. I do not know where the City of Meridian is headed, there really has been no improvement on the Crime Element that is occurring and has been occurring in Meridian. There is NOT more Officers on the street, the crime did not end because Roberts was appointed Chief or Lee was fired nor has it lessened because you see and Officer in your neighborhood. These thugs switch their MODUS OPERANDI faster than you & I change our underpants. The WANNABE Gang members are out there and they will start back up again just as soon as some of the hoopla has died down. We have a GANG PROBLEM in Meridian and always have had one. But what you are seeing is not the gangs themselves but those trying to gain stature in there strive to show that they are Full Fledge Gangsters. We have always had the BGDs, The Bloods, The Crips, Latin Kings, MS 13 & The Arian Nations here but for the most part we heard very little out of them & NO Violent activity since the mid-90s. In fact several of them have been involved with rolling over on the other to provide LEO with info to take down those intent on doing violence before they had a chance to carry it out. I pray for all of you. I will be present for my Hearing on 25 June at 10am in City Hall, to defend myself and again for the Court Case on 30 June at 8am in the MPD Courtroom for the alleged Assault charges brought against me by the Roland’s. Following those two regardless of the outcome I do not see Anita and I remaining in Meridian or ever working for Meridian again. I will not put my family through this type crap ever again during my life time. I cannot go on defending a Government that is Just as Crooked or More So than the Criminal Element that I am charged with arresting & deterring. Meridian has always had a Corrupt Governmental Body but this administration is absolutely the worst ever. A Great Legal Statesman once said: There is No Justice in Our Justice System, There is Only Political Supposition & Ritual Drama and whoever provides the best show wins the case whether their innocent or guilty, and yes many guilty have gone free and many innocent have suffered persecution therefore The United States Justice System is a failure in fairness and a usurper of Legal Justice. Thank You again and Once More Thanks You for All of Your Support, Respectfully, Don Don M. Hopkins
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 01:11:56 +0000

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