ONCE AGAIN,it seems there is a technical problem, for wich I can - TopicsExpress


ONCE AGAIN,it seems there is a technical problem, for wich I can not upload pictures, I wanted to put some pictures with VERY HANDSOME MEN MODELS! BUT...Ill put it later! BEAUTY-is as well a human characteristic.But just like all the other human chareristics,beauty is just a characteristic of a few,not of all of us have it.I think that both man and womens body are equaly beauty, but society show more appreciation for the beauty of womens body.The percentage of beautyfull of very beautyfull wemen is very little(like those that gets jobs of modeling worldwide) 5%,then there are also beautifull wemen around us,without having necessary the exact measures of the models,so this percentage of beautifull wemen can go to a 20% of women population.To get TO BE BORNED BEAUTYFULL is just A MATTER OF LUCK, in the same way it is JUST A MATTER OF LUCK TO BE BORN with A BEAUTYFULL VOICE( there is no credit in the fact that very little people on the planet get to have beautifull voices! all the singers in the world didnt get to do nothing for having that beautifull voice,but they just born with it) and in the same way it is just a MATTER OF LUCK to BE BORN with PAINTING TALLENT( the big painters starts painting from very young!) or all other LUCKY TALLENTED people.None of the painters or beautifull womens or famous singers HAVE NO CREDIT ,BUT JUST THE BLIND LUCK TO BE BORN LIKE THAT! Due to the fact that there are so very few very beautifull womens,they show their beauty through this modelling jobs and get to be payed for this, just like those with beautifull voices get to became singers and to be payed for their beautyfull voices(even much more then the beautyfull womes!), just like the painters get payed for their paintings(even much more then the beautifull wemens!) What I dont understand is WHY the rest of 80% majority of women population are hating and envy and are making this common front AGAINST THE LITTLE 20% OF BEAUTYFULL WOMENS -as a descrimantion,shallow,etc characteristic for womens, getting to do campains of all kinds on this matter? The beauty of a women give you a little pleasure and admirations in the same way as it gives you the beauty of a painting(many of them of beautyfull wemens :) )or the beauty of a song sanged by a beautifull voice! More then that, youll say that singers or writers or painters are working theit voices or with their hands,YEAAHH, the beautyfull womens are also working to stay beautyfull! Why those hypocritical 80% of FEMMINISTES that are making this campain against beautyfull womens, dont do in the same way campain against beautyfull voices or paiters,writers,etc.? I think that THIS FEMMINIST WAY OF THINKING(through all that they DO with their REJECTION OF THE BEAUTIFULL WOMENS throghh all kinds of campains and their hate and envy attitude to this womens) IS JUST ANOTHER FORM OF STUPIDITY and nothing else! Why do all of them WANT TO BE BEAUTYFULL? BUT THEY DONT WANT BEAUTYFULL VOICES??? I AM NOT BEAUTYFULL ,NOR I WISH TO BE AND I AM HUMAN AND WWOMEN JUST LIKE THEM, BUT I CHOOSE TO THINK!!!! WHY the femminists dont find DEGRADING THE VEY HANDSOMES GUY THAT GET TO TAKE THEIR CLOSE OFF AS MODELS???? NOR THEY DO DO ANY KIND OF CAMPAINS AGAINST THEM???? ARE MAN NOT EQUAL TO WOMENS? HOW COME MEN NEVER DO THIS KINDS OF STUPID CAMPAINS AGAINST THE MEN MODELS ????
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:30:08 +0000

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