ONE MAN AND HIS DOG... (2005) Another sleepless night...Marie - TopicsExpress


ONE MAN AND HIS DOG... (2005) Another sleepless night...Marie has been tossing and turning in her bed as once more her past has come back to haunt her. Will she ever get over the failure of her marriage?, or the fact that she never had children, why should she have to be so lonely?. She decides to get up and make a cup of coffee, now a routine part of her boring life. Its just gone, the house is so quiet that it frightens Marie, oh how she longs to be happy with a good man, and maybe hear the noise of children running around her quiet home. As quickly as the thoughts enter her head she says out loud no chance. She sits on her armchair at the window, as usual, but she feels something different this morning as she sips her hot coffee. She takes in the view in front of her. The mist is still hovering across the large field, and it lies low over the small river that runs through the estate were she has lived for twenty years. Funny how she never noticed this before. She had never paid much attention to this bueatiful scenery set in the middle of a high density council.. Yet here it was. As the dark starry sky slowly turns to dawn Marie notices a solidtary figure at the far end of the field. Its a man, hes wearing a long heavy overcoat,hat, gloves and heavy black boots. What is he doing her at this time of the morning? who is is ?, strange how she never noticed him before. Marie ducks below the window quickly as the stranger turns and looks towards her house. The coffee has spilled over the armchair and floor. Her heart is racing with all sorts of thoughts buzzing through her head, she hears her own voice asking questions. is he really looking over at me? Is he lonely like me ? Is he also alone with no hope of happiness? why is he there? oh if tongues could tell. Seconds pass though it seemed like a lifetime and Maries curiosity gets the better of her. She grips on to the window ledge and slowly pulls herself up to see what the stranger was up to. To her dismay she sees he is no longer alone. She questions herself again , why am i worried its only a dog?. A tall slim dog is galloping towards this strange man. Marie feels a pang of jealousy as he greets the dog with open arms. He falls to his knees and slowly caresses its slender body and legs, then lifts the dogs face towards his and kisses it on the top of the head. Marie lets out a gasp as she thinks aloud i wish that was me. As quick as her heart had raced nine to the dozen, a sadness falls over Marie as the stranger puts a lead on the dog and walks away. So what if i never see that stupid man and his stupid dog again Why would any sane person be out at that time anyway ?. As she cleans up the spilt coffee she realises, that she like the stranger may not be sane, because she is also up . Yet she feels a difference because she was truly sad and lonely, and although he was alone he seemed happy with his dog.. Crazy thoughts run through her mind as she cleans the already spotless house. what is happening to me? Once more she speaks out loud, surely Im not jealous of a dog ? All i want is to be loved again. why was i never caressed and kissed so gently just like the stranger did with his dog?. Marie laughs out loud as she shouts , my god i am, i really am jealous of a dog.. This will be my secret, she tells herself as she gets dressed to go out Her days were spent wandering in and out of thrifts shops, or sitting in the library reading novels full of romance. The next night as usual, Marie cannot settle into a sleep. She wants to get up and make her wee coffee and sit in her armchair by the window but she cant. How dare this stranger come into my life for those brief moments and change my routine, how dare he. She struggles to remain in her bed and once more the curiosity gets the better of her. Will he be there? to hell with this Im getting up. as she makes her coffee Marie thinks this is the first time in years I have something I want to get out of bed for. The kettle whistles, and the cup patiently waits for the hot coffee to warm it up and the armchair sits in wait for Maries presence. The scene is set for her romantic thoughts, but it is just a fantasy for her ... 5.30 am, the time passes so slowly and as she looks for the hundreth time the clock says 6.o clock. What am i going to do ?, was he a figment of my imagination? . Did i really see the stranger in his dark heavy over coat ..was there even a dog.? What a stupid women you are, Marie tells herself, your reading to many love stories, and now you dont know the difference between reality and fantasy. It had been a long time since Marie had felt her heart race so fast, it just had to be real. She settles for another cup of coffee and sits for a while, just in case. Marie has fallen into asleep on her armchair and is suddenly wakened by the barking of a dog.. Its 7am . She brings her eyes level to her window ledge and sure enough to her delight he is in the field with his beloved dog. She can see him clearly now as daylight has spread though out the estate. He is tall with short dark hair, his build is slim like his dog. His over coat is opened and he is wearing jeans and a bright coloured sweater he is quite handsome from what she can make out from her crouching position. His dog runs to and fro, skipping and jumping and letting out the odd bark at him,each time it stops beside him , he caresses and hugs it for entertaining its master. There it is again, that feeling of jealousy, why is life so unfair? when that dog is getting all i long for. What happened next took Maries breath away. The stranger looked straight at her smiled and waved his hand.. How embarressing.. he had seen her crouched at the window ledge... She blushed like she had never blushed before. What will i do ? is he really waving at me? oh god he is so handsome.. Her mind runs riot,with so many thoughts, all she has to do is stand up and wave back, she has no choice..She stood up and waved at him, he smiles, turns and walks away. As quick as he was there, he was gone . The spotless clean house didnt get its usual clean that morning, the thrift shops and the library got a miss and Marie went to the local hair salon to get the works. For the first time in years she felt good about herself. She knew that something was changing in her, she felt like a teenager again and all because of this man and his dog well maybe not the dog. As she lay back to get hair washed she thinks , i really would like to get to know him, i would like him to kiss and caress me like he does his dog. Marie lifts her head slightly and looks around the salon to see if any one had heard her thoughts, no one has noticed. Once more she blushes. at the very thought of him.. She feels so good after her day of pampering that she decides to walk home. normally she got a private taxi but today she felt good.. As she starts to cross at the traffic lights her heart jumps into her throat, at the other side of the lights is her tall slim stranger, and to her dismay, his dog. She crosses as the lights change but he stays on the same side of the pathway. She has to pass him. What will she do ? Will he know her as the sad lonely wee women he spotted sitting at her window?. Her feet just hit the kerbside and he looks at her and says hallo . She nods her heads as a gesture that she acknowledged him and she blushes with embarrassment. The stranger laughs aloud at her and once more he says hallo. He begins to talk to her and tells her that he had noticed her many times in the estate and the library. He was afraid to talk to her in case she brushed him off. He had asked around and found out where she lived and decided to walk his dog there. just in case they would cross paths. Marie could not believe her ears. He asked her if she would like to meet up with him some morning and she heard her voice say yes It was so unreal, like her head was thinking one thing but her mouth was saying another. why dont you call tomorrow morning when your out with the dog, I can make you a coffee, if you want ? What was she saying, she didnt even know this man, then she thought what do i care, my fantacies and dreams were coming true. He give her a broad smile from his handsome face and said I would love to have a coffee with you, by the way my names Brad and this is toby . Imagine that thought Marie as she made her way towards her wee armchair the next morning with her two cups of coffee, gone were her jealous pangs, as she sat out a bowl of water for the dog... life was looking good.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:30:23 +0000

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