ONE MORE LONGISH STORY HOPE YOU ENJOY TWINS OF THE MOORS© By Dot Sutton©-Moon 8/10/98 The old man sat in the room as the men came back with the missing child, who has been missing for two days, on the moors. Her mother came running to her son thanking the men for finding him. One of the men named Lou told her she should be thanking another young boy; he was showing us where your son was by pointing us in the right direction of where your son was. We saw the lad standing there, then when we got by the place, Lee just happened to look down and saw your son. The other boy was nowhere around, one thing we all notice was the fact that he had no coat on, the wind was really blowing and the snow coming down fast. But none of this even TOUCHED that other lad, we had trouble seeing where we were going, the boy showed us the way back then when we looked around he’d gone. The trouble is, none of us know where he went Lou told them. A few weeks later a group of hikers was walking across the old moors when the wind came from nowhere and the rain came down very heavy, two of the hikers got parted from the rest because none them could see where they were going. Vivian and Trevor couldn’t see in front of them so they sat down as they couldn’t go on, she just happened to look up, and she saw him standing there looking at them. LOOK! She cried to Jake who also looked up and saw the boy who beckoned to them to follow him. They followed the boy thinking the others were waiting for them, the boy led them to a large hole in the side of the hill and they went inside. There was no wind or rain coming in but when they looked back, they saw that the boy was no longer with them. They settled down for the night, they could hear the wind howling, but they couldn’t feel it. Back at the cabin, the men were getting ready to search for them the next morning, and as they were about to set off they walked in. Everyone was so happy to see them, their friend ask what happened to them? Trevor told them how they saw a young boy and how he kept pointing for them to follow him, we got to this large hole but when I looked back, he’d gone. That boy saved our lives he added, but the weird thing is, the wind and rain didn’t seem to bother him. Lou looked at him saying, did this young boy have blonde hair without a coat on? No sir he had dark hair and wasn’t wearing a coat but the coldness didn’t seem to bother him, it was like he didn’t feel it, Trevor replied, why do you ask that sir? Because the one we saw had blond hair and he too didn’t have a coat on Lou answered, he led right to young Danny who went missing awhile back. There must be two young boys then out on the moors Trevor told him, but we didn’t see the boys face. The old man, who was sitting there listening to all this said, that will be the moors twins. They all looked at him then someone ask him, who is the moors twins? The story goes back to sixty years ago, about two young lads who named the moors twins the old man told them, I will tell you about them if you’d like to hear it. They all sat down and Vivian ask him if would tell them the story, do you mind if I tape what you say sir? I don’t mind at all young lady, so if you’re all sitting comfortably, I will begin the story. AND THIS IS THE STORY. As I told you, this goes back to sixty years ago to when two boys who were not identical twins, they were forever daring each other to do things, they were very close as brothers and they’d never go anywhere without the other. Their names were Joey who had blonde hair, and Jake who had dark hair. One day they were playing when Joey dared Jake to run to the end of the moors and back. But unknown to Joey, Jake had doubled back the other way, so his brother didn’t see him hiding. Jakes mother called to him to go to the shop for her, Jake told a friend to tell Joey where he was, poor Joey began to worry about his brother because he was too long in coming back and was about to go looking him when the friend told him where Jake had gone. The two brothers had a good laugh about that evening as Joey told him he was about to go looking for him, we both know that many people and children had gone missing over the years on the moors as there are a few potholes too. Their father was not very pleased to hear what they did, he grounded them for a week hopping they’d learn a lesson. That didn’t stop the boys then their father told them that one day; they’d get themselves into trouble with all this daring going on between them and told them to stop it. The boys did this but only for a week and it wasn’t long before they were up to their old tricks again. I give up their father said; they’ll never change will they? They remind me of another two boys at their age who use to do the same thing his wife told him. You mean me and my brother he answered with a laugh, he could well remember the tricks they use to get up to as well when they were the same age as his sons. One day Joey saw little Lucy running around after her ball as the wind blew it away from her, he didn’t take much notice at the time as he thought she’d not gone too far away, after seeing where she went he went home. Half an hour later the boys saw their father putting his heavy boots on and coat on, he then met some of the men outside the house. Jake asks his mother where his father was going. He knew the men only wore their heavy gear when they were going to look for someone, he asks who were looking for? It seems that little Lucy gone missing their mother replied, she was chasing the ball and one of the children told the girls mother that she’d gone to the far side of the moors, but the child has not come back so the men are going to look for her. BUT MOM! Joey cried, they’re going the wrong way, she went the other way when I last saw her and I thought nothing of it. Don’t worry son, they will find her and bring her home she told him. But it will be too late then mom he cried, I know which way she went and I must help her he said, he dashed out without putting his coat on and ran in the direction he last saw little Lucy. Quickly Jake, you must go after your father and the men and tell them what Joey told us, take his coat with you Beth shouted. The wind began to blow and the rain came down very fast and hard, by the time Jake caught up with the men, the wind was getting strong. They all knew there was no chance of looking for the children now as the wind became very strong and the heavy rain didn’t help them at all. Henry sat by the fire and thought, I only hope you both find somewhere safely to stay my son, or you’ll both die in this weather. The weather stayed like that for a full week, the men couldn’t go out in it because each time they tried, the wind would hold them back. It was a week before they could go out looking for the two missing children, they searched the moors that day and the day after that, and there was no sign of them. The mothers sat up each night as they couldn’t sleep properly, they knew that the children must be dead by now as no one could survive in that. The men got ready for one last search as the heard the weather was going be very bad again, then one of the men cried out, LOOK, it’s Lucy. Lucy her mother cried, thank god you’re safe, but how on earth did you survive this long in this bad weather, for a full week? Lucy told them how she was chasing after the ball as the wind kept blowing it away from me, I knew that I had gone too far and all I could see were open spaces in the hills, I got lost and didn’t know where I was or which way to go because of the rain. Then I heard a voice calling out to me for me to look up, I saw a young boy standing there and he told me to follow him, he took me to a big hole in the side of the hill that looked like a cave. He said that he and his brother would go there and drink lemonade and eat, and there was plenty of food there for us both to keep us going for a week he said that he and brother knew their way around the whole of the moors. He ask me not to tell his father as he will go mad at them, we had to stay there until the rain and wind went away but it took forever. Two days ago he told me he was going to try and get help and that he would try and get back to me, he wanted to bring the men to where I was as the weather was not to good for me to travel in, but he didn’t come back until this morning. He looked so white and funny, his arm was hanging funny too and his clothes were dirty. He told me to follow him and then he brought me near here and told me run here, I turned to ask him to come too but he was gone. I don’t know where he went mom, he saved my life. Everyone now knew that Joey had died, they also knew that he came back to help little Lucy and got her to safety. NO! The woman cried, she ran outside and shouted JOEY. The men went looking for him, it didn’t take long to find his body, and they buried him on the moors. Poor Jake was so upset about his brother that he couldn’t face life without him, so he too went out on the moors and forgot about the manhole, he too fell down it and he was buried with his brother. They are together again his father told the people, but I don’t think it will be the last we see of them, I think their spirits will carry on helping people and the children who get lost here. But WHY did Jake come here? He asks Beth. Because he couldn’t live without his brother she replied. Over the years, those two boys have indeed helped those that got lost by showing them the way back, or where to stay for safety. They now have the power to change into older or old men so that no one would know who they are, they STILL play tricks on each other as they have been seen playing on the moors. So that my friends, brings me to the end of this story, people began to call them the twins of the moors. What happened to their parents? The young girl asks. They couldn’t cope with losing two sons so they went to live somewhere else the old man answered, their father use to come here to put flowers on their graves, but that soon stopped as it broke his heart to leave them. Beth found out she was with child again, that is why they left, she had a baby daughter as she didn’t want the same thing to happen to her. The old man got up and walked out. Then Lenny shouted, tell me sir who are you? I have not seen you around here before, I remember when Lucy went missing because I am her younger brother, and I don’t remember you. But you DO know me, I was only a child back then, but I remember you. The old man began to run towards the moors, as he got there he began to change into the child that a few of the old who were left recognise. I am Jake the lad called back, the two brothers stood together. Then an old woman shouted THANK YOU JOEY. Joey looked at her asking her why she is thanking him. Who are you? He asks. I am the little girl you once saved she replied, my name is Lucy and I didn’t get the chance to thank you before. You are welcome he called back, and then they all heard Jake saying I dare you to? They didn’t hear the rest because Joey took off like the wind; his brother was right behind him. All the people could hear was the laughter of the twins, of the moors. THE END
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 19:18:36 +0000

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