ONE NATION. We are PATRIOTS Some of our current political - TopicsExpress


ONE NATION. We are PATRIOTS Some of our current political leaders are nothing short of COWARDS. Our parents, uncles, grandfathers fought and in some cases died protecting our nation, not fifty multicultural identities or groups with fifty flags, but One Nation called Australia under one flag, the Australian flag. Our soldiers are still dying, right now, to protect our freedom, standards and way of life. These current pathetic excuses of National and State leaders are doing what the Germans and Japanese and currently Islamic extremists failed to do. They are bringing us to our knees and destroying our industries, economy and society, sending us broke even if we do have a job, and squandering our future for short term gain and appeasement to foreign companies and a few dollars. We are not a nation of idiots! We know the price of once public owned utilities like water, power and telephones, now sold off by the traitors who are our leaders, cost more than many can reasonably afford. Imported food, which OUR farmers should be growing, is also getting too expensive under the banner of the big boys like Coles and Woolworths and their subsidiaries (70% of our food is imported). Our taxes are up there with the highest in the world, but without the Government benefits the other high tax countries give their citizens.. We are seeing a slump in housing. Suddenly our houses may be worth less than the mortage in some cases. How many young families can afford to have mum (or dad) stay home and raise the kids as they should? Very few! They all have to work to keep up with the ever increasing demands of the power companies, water distributers, telcos, supermarkets, fuel companies, ATO, insurance companies, highest interest rates in the western world, the list is almost never ending. Many are forced to survive on borrowed money, which one day they have to pay back. This is not the end result of decades of good leadership, from both Liberal and Labor. We need people who are not cowards and will make the hard decisions. We need men and women who are not weak kneed, real strong men & women running Australia, who will not sell us off to foreign interests or the most recent lobby group to contribute to their campaign coffers. One Nation does have the courage the current dismal crop of leaders lack. We are not afraid of the power of big foreign owned businesses, or lobby organisations helping the minority groups push their vested interests. We are not afraid of BIG business that wants to swallow EVERYTHING. Look at the mining companies taking over family farms, retail giants forcing the corner store out of business, companies encouraged by our government to send jobs overseas for BIGGER profits, the list goes 0n..... We still love our country and want to better it, not destroy it! PATRIOTISM is not a dirty word, nor does it make one a racist or an extremist or whatever term people like Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott call it, when talking about patriotism and support for I am proud to be a PATRIOT. The leadership of Labor and the Liberals should be ashamed to be traitors to their great nation and their own people. (Jim Savage - Qld State President and One Nation Senate candidate for Queensland)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 06:23:02 +0000

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