ONE OF THE MOST SENSIBLE POSTS I’VE READ ON FACEBOOK REGARDING THIS ISSUE... Sharon Abel, Grenada: “Ban abuse. Promote healthier relationships. We need to understand that there is a problem in our method. Am I saying we should copy the westernized way? Heck no, but we can apply wisdom and learn from the parts that are effective. Our people have a problem. Lets not be defensive about this. Why is it that the first instinct is to shove our children, shout for them, curse them, use wood, pot spoon, leather belt and switch when it is time to discipline? There is a more excellent way. We must realize that discipline is holistic. It must not only be required by children but also must be exemplified by parents. Yes, we must learn control, we must understand our children for who they are, we must love them and cherish them, we must teach them the ways of the Lord, we must correct them when they show rebellious behaviour from a tender age instead of laughing and saying dat chile ain easy nuh but when they get older we want to kill them; double standard. We must explain to them why what they are doing will hurt/destroy them if they continue. This, my people, is the rod of correction. Use it wisely”.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:16:23 +0000

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