ONE PAGE WONDER 100 (CELEBRATION) On 17th July 2011 I posted my - TopicsExpress


ONE PAGE WONDER 100 (CELEBRATION) On 17th July 2011 I posted my first One Page Wonder with an idea of maybe doing 10 or so stories. Having achieved that, I set out to last a year so 52 was my number and then on it rolled. It is pretty clear to me that if you set a goal and achieve it then it’s time to reset it and go after something else and continue to develop. The first one was entitled ‘Someday I’ll’ and did I believe I would still be writing them two years later? Not a chance! However I became determined along the way to find something each week to spark reader’s interest. Too often people settle for the easy option, what I call ‘the path of least resistance’. Unless we challenge ourselves nothing changes. If you are happy mowing your lawns every week then so be it but if you want your garden to bloom going after what may seem improbable is not all that difficult. It is only seems impossible if that is the story we tell ourselves. Put the steps in place and break it down into chunks that you can manage and you will be amazed at the end result. You see you are either green and growing or ripe and rotting. Which are you? If you are ripe and rotting then change the story - and more importantly change it NOW! As we look back over our time we have all said at some stage ‘I wish I had have done that earlier’. It is very true that we will look back and remember more of the things we didn’t do than the things we did do. Don’t be like that! Take every opportunity to drive your own bus, to be in charge of the direction you want for you and your family. The first decision is usually the most difficult and as my life is moving toward new tomorrows, these first steps are getting closer and no matter how challenging they may appear, I will take them for the greater good. A few years ago I won a signed cricket bat at a function and it seems significant that I have it beside me to hold up when I post this to celebrate my century of One Page Wonders. In cricket the batsmen’s job is to get to 100 and start again to be better than he was in the first 100. That is now my goal, to write better stories and more interesting topics with always one common denominator. They must be written from my experiences because that is what I believe creates uniqueness. We are all unique so cherish the magnificence that you alone bring to the world. We all have different and individual experiences and I have always believed that we all have a story to tell and to share. Too few people find the courage to share their experiences, often because they think others won’t be interested. Make no mistake you matter, we all do. That is how One Page Wonders began and look how it has grown! They were stories that I chose to share and then some people started to comment, which obviously made me feel warm and fuzzy, as we all have a need to feel significant. Others tell me that it is now part of their Sunday morning routine. Read the newspaper, breakfast in bed and a new One Page Wonder. A few weeks ago I was late posting because we were away, and I had several emails wanting to know where the OPW was and saying that Sunday morning wasn’t the same without it. I consider that we are all connected to many ‘tribes’ in our daily life. The people we work with, the people we hang with and the teams or communities we are involved in. For me you are all part of the One Page Wonder tribe, our own Sunday morning community. Because I am the writer makes me no different to you guys, what I write connects us together, even those that I have never met. If what I write triggers off your own life experiences in a particular way then that is a job well done. Along the way one page has grown to two, I think I even had one that was three. I have only missed one Sunday in the time I have been writing them and that was because we were visiting Disneyland, Universal Studios and the place I always dreamed of taking my boys too, Lego land. There is really no excuse for missing my posting but if I am going to have an excuse I am sure that that is a worthwhile one. To achieve 100 stories has been a journey, however a thoroughly enjoyable one and I am forever grateful that you guys have shared the journey. My OPW face book page only has 50 friends and I’d love more so please join and make it a larger community. Together we motivate and inspire each other to live a more wonderful, positive life. Last night some great friends of ours and inaugural supporters of OPW took us out for a fantastic meal to celebrate OPW 100. It was a wonderful and humbling gesture so I thought we should all celebrate. As the new financial year starts tomorrow let’s all make new beginnings and explore, discover, imagine and dream and go after the lifestyle you really want. Thank you everybody for your support along the way and onwards to OPW 200 I go. Have an amazing year Rodney Tattam 30th June 2013 https://facebook/pages/One-Page-Wonders/238799176167554 Use the link to be a friend of One Page Wonders
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:01:10 +0000

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