ONE THING IS NEEDFUL. His words sank into my heart and knocked - TopicsExpress


ONE THING IS NEEDFUL. His words sank into my heart and knocked me behind sane thought. Heavens are against me and the Earth would never help me. Had I known, I would have taken the right path; that path that pleased the master. I walked back to the kitchen, pushing my way through the half-broken door with desperate thought filling my heart. The hands of time couldnt be turned, I would have corrected my wrong by doing what is needful- my sisters action. No! I brought him here, showed the best hospitality I could give. I said angrily, throwing to the floor the napkins in my hand. I would cook no further. But I shouldnt be so rash. A curse may come I said to myself again. The kitchen revolved and my head spinned. Now, his preference couldnt be undone. One thing is needful. Played again in my heart and the devil toyed with my emotions as I picked up the chopping knife and headed straight to the room. I wanted to slit her throat and end all the evil she had done. But, I feared the curse of God on killers. Sister Martha, you seem worried. Hope you are well? She said trying to please me. Nothing is wrong dear, just tired I said forcing a false smile. Anger was building a castle in my heart, a sin I must be careful about, especially when the master is there. I loved and respected him. Again, I ran back into the kitchen with tears rolling down my cheek. Oh! I made a mess by bringing him here. Now Mary is sitting idly at his feet, gaining love. I said resting my back against the wall. He said I was troubled over many things. A complaint mum kept saying. Comparing Mary to I, I was more hard-working. But, why was my hard work earning me discredit and Marys laziness winning her good gifts? Yes, I would stop the chores at home. I would become lazy like Mary. I would indulge the words of the master which he called the good path that cannot be taken I yelled aloud like I was talking to someone faraway. Finally, the food was done with, the table was set. I ate my meal that day with an unusual appetite. I gulped down every morsel with olive wine. Perhaps, it was my worse cooking ever. I kept eating with my eyes fixed to the man who had put me in this gross confusion. He looked relaxed all through. Maybe he had no intentions of hurting my feelings or knew not the evil he had done. Then, I shouldnt have been angry at his words. He was teaching me lifes lessons again. The table was clear now and we all sat chattering. Later, he looked at me and let out a smile, Nice meal and be blessed dear Martha. He said and smiled again as he and the disciples stood to leave. I saw them off to the door but the days kept playing in my heart. Indeed, I have learned the principle of FIRST THING FIRST and ORDER OF NEED and PRIORITY. Yes, that was what he meant by one thing is needful... Oh! I was a fool for being angry over nothing. He only thought and blessed me. I said falling into my bed only to fall asleep. - an excerpt from LUKE 10v38-42 (C) Sir Zee. 211014
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:13:02 +0000

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