ONE WEEK OF PRAYER AND FASTING 5th Jan – 11th Jan This first - TopicsExpress


ONE WEEK OF PRAYER AND FASTING 5th Jan – 11th Jan This first week of the year we begin with a time of prayers and fasting as a sign of committing ourselves to God. To know God’s will in our lives and to give of our all for the purposes of God to the honor and glory of his name. Fasting is a way of silencing the flesh, the world and every other thing that may hinder our communal with God so as to exercise our spirit in the place of prayer and for our revival in spiritual matters. During this 7 days we will abstain from all food but one light meal in the evening (no breakfast, no lunch). Please set times of prayer every day so that your fasting doesn’t end up becoming a hunger strike of diet check. DAY 1. MONDAY Today we begin our fasting with a time of devotion unto the Lord. We begin by exalting God for who he is, glorify his holy name and praising him for his mighty works of love and wonder. We serve the King of glory, God the father of our lord Jesus Christ who is the father of all creation who deservers our praise and worship. • Psalms 145 declares the praises of our God as passed on from one generation to the next. Take some time reading and meditation on this psalm even as you praise God for what he has done in your life • Hosea 6:1 -3 Pray for personal revival, that the Lord may strengthen your resolve to follow him. • 2Thes 2:13 – 17 Pray that the Lord may comfort you through all situations and circumstances. DAY 2. TUESDAY Today we continue to pray for ourselves. Pray that you may know God’s will in your life and that in all your ways you may acknowledge Him who saved you. • Psalms 139 declares the wisdom and knowledge of God concerning us. God knows us better than we know our selves. Read through and meditate on this chapter. Pray that the Lord may search you through and through (you motives and intentions, temperaments and true condition of your heart) that you may not fall in the pit of self deception. • Eph 1:17 - 20 Make this prayer that Paul made many years ago your prayer DAY3. WEDNESDAY Today we shift focus from ourselves to our family. Pray for God’s will to be revealed, accepted and done in your family. Pray for unity among family members, mentioning them by name, and also for salvation for those who do not yet know Jesus as their Lord and savior. • Neh 4:14 After I looked things over,I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” Just like in the days of Nehemiah its God intention to rebuild the broken down walls of our families. You know where you family ails (e.g bitterness, anger, witchcraft, unforgiveness or sickness) present all this to the Lord in prayer. • Acts 16:28 - 31 Pray for all you family members to come to that place where the ask “what must I do to be saved?” DAY 4. THURSDAY After praying for our family members we go to the next big family that we have, the church. Today we pray for unity in the body of Christ. We pray that the church of our Lord Jesus may take her place of holiness and prayer so as to be effective in this darkened world. • John 17:6 19 is Jesus prayer to his disciples and the church in all generations. Please read through, meditate on the scripture and let it be your prayer for the church today. • Pray for church leaders, bishops, pastors and other clergy that they may execute their work with diligence and godly wisdom. • Pray for unity among church members and more sore among the many different church denominations that we have today. DAY 5. FRIDAY Today w continue to pray for the church, specifically our local church Trinity Chapel Ruiru (TCR) • Psalms 147 s a prayer for Jerusalem, the city that God chose for himself and set his name on. Let this be your prayer for TCR as through our services and meeting we get to learn the was and decrees of our God • 2Chr 7:14. Pray that as a church we will stand as a righteous people before God and be light to the world • This year we move to new grounds. Pray for recourses and a smooth transition. Ask the Lord that we may receive favor with the local authorities. DAY6. SATURDAY Today we shift gears again and we pray for the nation of Kenya, our beloved country. Pray for God’s protection and guidance in our day today life. • Psalms 33: 12 – 22 Pray for Kenya that as a country we may learn to revere the Lord and acknowledge him in all things at all times. • Pray for God protection against all kinds of evil within and without our borders. Pray that God may silence and bring an end to the works of violence orchestrated by the alshabab, criminal gangs and cults that operate in different parts of the country. • Pray for our president, deputy president, your governor and other country and county leaders that God’s hand of favor may rest upon them and they may lead us according to the ways of the Lord Pro 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. DAY 7. SUNDAY Today marks the end of our time of prayer and fasting, we meet together to thank God for his faithfulness and the guarantee of hope that we have in him. Psalms 30 • Give thanks to the Lord for the New Year and for all that God has in store for you. • In thanks giving lay you requests and petitions for your self, family, church, work, business before God and ask for guidance.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:32:09 +0000

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