ONLINE AND IN PERSON NOSEWORK CLASSES STARTING SOON! This class is great for those looking to just do something fun or looking to possibly compete. If you have done Nosework before and havent taught your dog a solid, consistent alert, this is a great foundation class you would definitely benefit from just as much as someone who has never taken Nosework. Get in on an awesome new sport that is growing FAST! Nosework uses the concept of training dogs to find specific scents (like they do with drug dogs), but uses common odors, like birch oil. It is a fun way to do something with your dog and mental stimulation helps tire them out! The method used in this class has your dog reliably and clearly showing you where the scent is by the end of the 7 week class. It is quicker than other methods that first teach the dog to go look for things and then teaches them to look for the odor. Benefits of Nosework: 1) Dogs of any age can do it...from 4 month old puppies to 15 year old dogs! No athleticism necessary! 2) Minimal supplies necessary. A few tins of odor and some cardboard boxes are all you need! 3) Quick to train. Super quick to set up training sessions. They can be done in 5-10 minutes, including set-up, right in your house! You can be ready for shows in just a few months! 4) A great sport for dogs who are aggressive or reactive since dogs run and compete one at a time. 5) Levels the playing field for all breeds - Ive seen these breeds place first at shows...American Bulldog, Pomeranian/Dachshund mix, Havanese, Shiba Inu, Border Collies, Pit Bull. Siryn and I have done exceptionally well so far, being the first team in the nation to earn the UKC UN2 (2nd level) title and taking 1st place from about 30 teams in the first NACSW trial in the South region. I have trained students with all different breeds with group classes, private lessons, and online classes. (A website is in the works!) The next online class will start January 25 and is $185 for 7 weeks and includes the odor. In person classes tentatively scheduled for the North Austin area starting February 4 or 11. (The picture is Siryn demonstrating one of the tests...showing you which of 12 boxes the odor is hidden in by putting her nose as close to the odor as possible and staying there). Here is a video showing what a Nosework trial looks like at the first level: https://youtube/watch?v=CR_lemDlOh8
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 17:24:44 +0000

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