ONLY ALLAH IS WORSHIPPABLE Abrahamic Religions Christianity, - TopicsExpress


ONLY ALLAH IS WORSHIPPABLE Abrahamic Religions Christianity, Islam and Jewism are Semitic ones. These religions have founders or prophets. The God concept of these religions are of a creator separate from the creation. The philosophy s God created males to enjoy the world. For enjoying the world thank the God. For believing in God and praying to him like a slave, God will reward one with heaven where the same enjoyments on earth can be continued in a far better way for ever. This is Semitic religion. It is a closed loop. No other great soul however great is not accepted at all. Similarly the prophets are accepted whole heartedly, warts and all. Non Semitic religions except Hinduism have founders, not prophets. Eg. Budhism, jainism, Sikhism. These are all offshoots of Hinduism. These have a different God concept than Semitic religions. The God concept of Non Semitic religions is of a formless state of existence. alawys arae, always existing, all knowing, chaithanya that resides in every living and non living beings.Hence everything to the Hindu is God or part of God. Even a Muslim ! To reach this core consciousness, the path is also specified. Te mind is the path. Drop all attachments from the mind. No relation with any individual or object. Now purify the mind from emotions. Slowly the mind will become free and detached. Now get into meditation in solitude. One can realise the true identity of oneself. that is called the soul, pure consciousness, bodha swaroopam or bodha sattha. That real identity one will realise as the truth behind this universe. there is no difference. One merges with God and becomes God itself. Aham Brahmaasmi. I am that truth.That is the end of evolution. When man becomes Buddha,enlightened or awakened, the evolution completes the circle. However this I a m God theory is not acceptable to Semitic religions. LOL ! They have reasons too. To them God is separate from us. So how can we become God ? We are born from God. So how can the son become the father ? Sounds logical. The problem is the way of understanding God. Semitic religions had prophets who were not as qualified as the Indian rishis in meditation. The Prophets did have some premonitions and experiences. But they thought those wee from a higher consciousness separate from themselves. Cant blame the prophets. They were not born in India ! Indian Rishis had gone the full distance and had no doubt in realising that the so called God or higher consciousness is not separate from them at all. Instead, while being in human body, we think we are the body. Through detachment of mind, purification and meditation, the rishis reached the higher consciousness by dropping the world and body first and then dropping the mind itself. Thus they became that higher consciousness and reached beyond death. Non Semitic religions laugh at this idea and ridicule these saints as Godmen. Their intelligent question is God is what created you. then how can you become God itself ? Absurd. Sounds logical again ! This is the confusion... LOL ! A very interesting one indeed. Both the Semitic and Non Semitic Rligions are talking about Gid. The same God. But they never agree on their concepts. There are some fake saints too out there trying to make a fast buck. However this trick of Rishis to become God istelf is not known to semitic religions. LOL ! The Semitic religions hold on to their prophets for helping them to face God. This is actually an ignorant or childish view. God is what your real identity is. You thought falsely that you were not, while living in the body. This ignorance will soon vapourise too and you again become the pure consciousness. There is none to pray unto. Because all prayers reach your own self. Now this self is not the ego, mind you. But the state when the ego is annihilated completely. What remains is a self lit light of knowledge within which always existed. We never knew. That was our fault. That is all. The unfortunate part is; faith in someone is not enough to reach this core consciousness. Prayers would help to calm the mind. But to reach the core, one has to necessarily take the plunge. Most try to keep the relations as long as they live and trying to find meanings from that. They would surely get meanings. Every life will get meanings. But the ultimate meaning will be got only when ones mind is ready to accept the same. Holding on to the relations and world will not enable the mind to reach The core and stay therefor ever. If some Rishi reached there, believing in him will not give much progress, except some higher values in mind and life. So far so good. Ultimately one has to make the jump oneself, all alone. Dropping everything. Those who cannot drop the attachments in mind die out. They face death. That is the punishment for not knowing God. Know God the right way and go beyond death, reach eternal life in heaven, which is our true self. Heaven only means a state of absolute peace silence and bliss. Most interestingly, this path of self realization can be practiced by any one anywhere at home. The only requirement is a will to drop the attachments from mind. Those who are living need not try this in a hurry. Go through life. Enjoy the world with discipline and giving the other the right of way. Once the duties towards dependents and the obligations to the nature for absorbing air water and food for survival are responsibly retired, one can get into detachments and purification of minds. Planting trees and taking care of them is the best way to retire such debts that one has taken from the nature. Once the obligations are fulfilled, one can start detaching the world from mind. Then purify the mind. Make the mind fearless guilt free and balanced capable of accepting any view and discriminate what is good and bad and truth and false. Then the mind is free, uncorrupt, as clear as crystal. Now one can get into meditation. No one has come back from there the same way they started ! They go straight to the almighty and become one with that. End of evolution. It has been a long journey. Full of twists and turns. Drama and tears. happiness and love. Love and separation. Bravery and cowardice. A world wide scale of live movie, free show running 24x7. All beings are actors in this epic drama. Most actors do not know the other is none other than oneself in another form. they compete with one another, play with one another cheat another, help another, love some hate some... All dramas. the consciousness that created this drama is the same. All are different forms of this consciousness. Those who realise this get relieved from the roles. Brahma Kumaris call this Nataka Shaala. Stage of drama. Very true. Instead of looking at your body image at the mirror and feel good or bad by comparing the same with the others, start looking within yourself is the message from Hindus and India. You are going to get awe struck at your own true identity within. Believe the Rishis ! So get ready for the roller coaster ride... Drop everything on the way except your life. That is the only thing that is worth keeping. Remember what Prophet Mohammed said ? Only Allah is worshippable. Allah is life. Only that is worshippable. The world, the body, the mind, riches, beauty, health, status, fame... Nothing is worshippable. Only the life is worshippable. Semitic religions misinterpreted this verse of Nabi. They used it to needle other religions and their God concepts. Islam would say the prophet was talking about Indian idols and multiple Gods. He was actually referring to the inner voice within which considered that inner voice only is worshippable. What Nabi referred to is the inner consciousness, also called life. The life in every being is to be respected. Nothing else is respectable. Is that clear now ? It is actually quite simple. Dont complicate that subtle message.. Agreed ? Here we go hand in hand. All the best..
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:24:19 +0000

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