ONLY IN THE MASS, THE TRUE PASSOVER, IS THE FATHER GIVEN WORTHY PRAISE. IN THE MASS IS WHERE THE SON MEDIATES FOR US TO THE FATHER IN PERFECTION. I strongly desire to celebrate this Passover with you. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Catholicism is the fulfillment of Judaism. “It was necessary to comprehend the Divine Nature in all its dignity and vastness; and of this no created beings, not even the Angels, are capable. Only the Sacred Humanity of Christ understands perfectly, by reason of the hypostatic union, how infinitely great the Godhead is, how infinitely worthy of praise. Accordingly, the humanity of Christ lauds and magnifies the Godhead everywhere, but more especially on our altars during Mass. Only there is God praised in a fitting and worthy manner, because Christ is there present in His humanity and there He offers the most costly sacrifice of praise to the glory of the Father. Now mark this well: Christ offers the tribute of praise which He pays to the Godhead on the altar principally in the name of those who are present, supplying what is lacking in their praise. Nay, more, He gives it to them, to be offered to God as their own, that they may thus defray the debt they owe Him. He who thus offers to God the sacrifice of His divine Son does more to praise Him than all the Angels and Saints are in a position to do: For their praise is finite and imperfect; whereas, he who hears Mass with this objective offers to Him praise which is both infinite and divine.” The Incredible Catholic Mass P172 Fr. Martin Von Cochem And I saw a strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to open the book,(“ For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matt 26:28) and to loose the seals thereof? 3And no man was able, neither in heaven, nor on earth, nor under the earth, to open the book, nor to look on it. 4And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open the book, (“Nock and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11)nor to see it. 5And one of the ancients said to me: Weep not; behold the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, HATH PREVAILED TO OPEN THE BOOK, and to loose the seven seals thereof. 6And I saw: and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the ancients, A LAMB STANDING AS IT WERE SLAIN,(The eternal vision of the high priest Melchizedech) having seven horns and seven eyes: which are the seven Spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth. 7And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne. 8And when he had opened the book, the four living creatures, the four and twenty ancients fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, WHICH ARE THE PRAYERS OF SAINTS: 9And they SUNG A NEW CANTICLE, ( Christ our true Passover has been sacrificed let us keep the feast) saying: Thou art worthy, O Lord, to take the book, and to open the seals thereof; because thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God, in thy blood, (Out of the rib of the new Adam came water and blood. Baptism now saves you. There are three that give testimony on earth, the water the spirit and the blood and these three are one) out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation. 10And hast made us to our GOD A KINGDOM AND PRIESTS, AND WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH. (“But you are a chosen generation, a KINGLY PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PURCHASED PEOPLE: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” 1 Peter 2:9) Revelations 5:2-10 THE BOOK IS THE NEW COVENANT. THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS For he testifieth: THOU ART A PRIEST FOR EVER, according to the order of Melchisedech. Hebrews 7:17 For from the rising of the sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there is offered to my name a clean oblation: for my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the Lord of hosts. 12And you have profaned it in that you say: The table of the Lord is defiled: and that which is laid thereupon is contemptible with the fire that devoureth it. 13And you have said: Behold of our labour, and you puffed it away, saith the Lord of hosts, and you brought in of rapine the lame, and the sick, and brought in an offering: shall I accept it at your hands, saith the Lord? 14Cursed is the deceitful man that hath in his flock a male, and making a vow offereth in sacrifice that which is feeble to the Lord: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the Gentiles. Malachi 1:11-14 O senseless Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth, crucified among you? Galatians 3:1 Ambrose of Milan We saw the prince of priests coming to us, we saw and heard him offering his blood for us. We follow, inasmuch as we are able, being priests, and we offer the sacrifice on behalf of the people. Even if we are of but little merit, still, in the sacrifice, we are honorable. Even if Christ is not now seen as the one who offers the sacrifice, nevertheless it is he himself that is offered in sacrifice here on earth when the body of Christ is offered. Indeed, to offer himself he is made visible in us, he whose word makes holy the sacrifice that is offered (Commentaries on twelve Psalms of David 38:25 [A.D. 389]).
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:54:45 +0000

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