ONLY LET AVOID ROUND-UP! LATER, ALREADY KNOCKING. ... These lines written by the editor of the newspaper Kramatorskaya Pravda Andrew Stahl. They proved to be prophetic. 31 August at the door knocked. On the eve of the two. One in dressed in military uniforms. Andrew went out then came back home very excited, said that it is necessary to go to the identification in Krasnoarmeysk, took a laptop and a passport. Later it turned out that he is on the road to Dnipropetrovsk. Then the connection is lost, the phones disconnected. The family filed a claim to the police. Colleagues are going to look for the truth in Kiev. What happened to Andrei Štalem in the period from 31 August until today, is not known. God grant that his disappearance was an unfortunate accident and not another abduction of journalist on the denunciation. Just because he did not sing the praises of Soviet soldiers in Kramatorsk, and had an opinion, owned the word and the word was able to reach many people. From the poems of Andrew: Ukropatriotičeskoe Morning the convoy was siphoning off the neighbors. How many of you are victims of ATO? All of the SECURITY SERVICE of UKRAINE will hold a conversation, the main thing is to be ready! STUK rhythmic power lives! Separatism is not! Do you want me to call out: glory to heroes ? Just to help the country! If you want, I dye my yellow-blue roof and the toilet? The important thing is to not be with Russia! Will take us to Europe! If you want, Ill give Ilyich rope with a song about La-La-La Will jump in the bloomers deftly? Only the country lived! You can sit without heat, without gas, with the wind from all the cracks, to eat no more than once a week, Only without the moskals (Muscovites)! Going more to the right than the right here forever, now. .. Only let avoid round-up! Later, already knocking. ... Ask at least reposta maximum from those of my people, which are of relevance to all of our journalism or illegally detained and abducted journalists in Ukraine sympathize with the families of the victims. Ukraine, it seems, has become one of the most dangerous countries for journalists, whose commitment to the standards of the profession and personal beliefs do not blow a tune with the Kiev warmongers.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 02:30:32 +0000

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