ONLY NATIONAL REPENTANCE WILL STOP OBAMAS PLANS Fire up Air Force One. Its relentless fund-raising time again. No matter what kind of pressure the United States is presently under, its time to drop everything, raise money and stay in power - all in the name of Islamic World Domination. The most powerful man in the world lives in the American White House and he is an Islamic Jihadist. He is a zealot with one thing in mind - the destruction of Americas infrastructure to weaken her at home and abroad. Barack Hussein Obama and his thirty-five Czars continue to circumvent the United States Constitution and the United States Congress. Most Christian Americans, including Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Bill Winston, Creflo Dollar, Keith Moore, Jerry Savelle, Mark Hankins and other popular Pentecostal Charismatic leaders are doing absolutely zero about it. Mark Hankins publicly declared in a Church meeting, Lets all pray that Barack Obama will have the best four years yet. Talk about clueless! When does the insanity stop? When do these Word of Faith spiritual leaders get off their hobby horse of prosperity, obey the God they claim to serve and begin to preach the word of repentance? Im speaking from within my own company now - my own spiritual camp. These men stand idly by as a Muslim Jihadist steals their country out from under their noses, afraid if they say something about the sin that is causing it theyll lose financial supporters. They know something horrible is coming to their nation and they continue to deceive people into giving into their Ministries, hoarding all they can so they themselves will have enough when the nation finally snaps and falls to pieces. How convenient that any one of these men can simply pack up and move themselves and their families to one of their international offices using the money you gave them, believing by doing so you could be wealthy like theyre wealthy. If you give money to any of these Ministries, or if you receive money from any of these Ministries, you need to repent and learn how to be led by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Youre propping up disobedient deceivers. In 1999 Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin warned them that they would be judged unless they repented of their false prosperity doctrines. Please dont hammer on me for reminding them and you of what Dr. Hagin them. Kenneth Copeland is one of the most popular, powerful and most wealthy Ministers in the world. He publicly claims to be worth $2 billion. He has the affluence, influence, equipment and manpower to underwrite the biggest Repent America campaign in Americas history. But no. The six Ministers mentioned above do anything Kenneth Copeland does. He could take a stand like the honorable man of God he advertises himself to be on his Facebook page, start preaching repentance to his sin-sick nation and these other six men would follow suit. As a result, multiple thousands of American Charismatic Pastors would also follow suit and Christian America would go into revival in a matter of months. But no. These honorable men of God continue to ignore what is happening to their nation, ignoring the fact that Dr. Hagin told them they could and would die prematurely unless they turned back from over-emphasizing prosperity. They are simply afraid to preach the message of repentance for sin because they are concerned it will hinder their cash income, involve substantial cash outflow and bring unwanted persecution. They are afraid. They are afraid to be like Jesus. They call themselves Faith Preachers, but really they are self-indulgent Preachers who are afraid. They also know that if anyone takes a stand opposing them, such as we do here at JHM, their blind-leading-the-blind followers will stand up and defend them in their ignorance of Gods Word. They have kept their followers in the babyhood stages of Christianity by preaching practically nothing else to them but strong doses of prosperity and Divine healing. They have kept their followers from knowledge of the whole counsel of God. This is why their followers have no idea in the world that they themselves are to be standing up and publicly rebuking them. Like Barack Hussein Obama circumvents the United States Constitution and the United States Congress, Brother Copeland and the Prosperity Brethren have carefully trained their followers to circumvent the Apostle Pauls solemn charge as written in the following verses of Scripture. Them (Ministers) that sin rebuke before all, that others may also fear. I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. (1 Timothy 5:20-21) Now I beseech you brethren, mark them (Ministers) which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. (Romans 16:17) Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (Ephesians 5:11) Anyone with one eye and half a brain can see that America is under the hard judgment of a loving God. Anyone with the most elementary knowledge of Scripture knows the only way to turn back Barack Hussein Obama, who is an instrument of judgment in the hands of a loving God, is through national repentance. Unless you repent you will perish. (Luke 13:3) If thou do at all forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods ... I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. (Deuteronomy 8:19) Only the most foolish of the foolish would defend any of these Ministers in their downright fearful, self-indulgent refusal to drop everything, finally obey the Bible and relentlessly preach repentance thru every available medium. You know, in the way Barack Hussein Obama, the Muslim Jihadist, is dropping everything again in pursuit of the continual financing of the dream of his heart - Islamic World Domination which begins with the gutting of America. Do all of these above-mentioned Ministers really believe they are doing the will of God by refusing to make application of Gods prescribed solution for sin sick America? Do you really believe that you are doing the will of God by supporting them or by taking support from them? The gates of Hell are attempting to prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ in America. This is not the time for shopping for a new Rolex, having the Bentley detailed again. replacing the imported marble floor in the garage or looking for excuses to preach in Paris or Hawaii. Where is Gods commanded preaching of repentance from these men? When the house is ablaze everyone has a responsibility to join the bucket brigade.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:34:36 +0000

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