ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS! JOSHUA 8:1. When we have faithfully put away sin, that accursed thing which separates between us and God, then, and not till then, we may look to hear from God to our comfort; and God directing us how to go on in our Christian work and warfare, is a good evidence of being reconciled to us. God encouraged Joshua to proceed. At Ai the spoil was not to be destroyed as at Jericho, therefore there was no danger of the people committing such a trespass. Achan, who caught at forbidden spoil, lost that, and life, and all; but the rest of the people, who kept themselves from the accursed thing, were rewarded for their obedience. The way to have the comfort of what God allows us, is, to keep from what He forbids us. No man shall lose by self-denial. Psalm 16 seem to echo Joshuas call to the Israelites to maintain their loyalty to God in the face of certain obstacles. The Psalmist expresses faith in many ways the Lord provides all things good for the sake of the PATH OF LIFE. At the same time, there is a palpable sense that the choice of this path needs to be front and centre in life in order to be able to enjoy the refuge of God. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS is reminding us that following Christ Jesus by praying for our enemies, turning the other cheek, forgiving endlessly, etc, is in many respects to live embattled. It is not to fight against other people. It is not a triumphal war to form a Christian government (a theocracy like that endorsed today by various religious traditions). It is not a struggle opposing non-christians or even ones own petty & enormous inabilities. The task is much bigger, and for that reason the image of being robed in the armaments of violence is meant to emphasize the eschatological scope of Christian identity. Ephesians 6:11 depict -The whole armour of God is needed for the war against the principalities and powers, and against the forces of sin, our own separation from the Holy One, our own desires for what does not feed and nourish Gods creation.To be readied for war with that enemy is to be set for the daily battle against all that opposes Gods desire that the mystery of the gospel give joy on Earth.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:34:57 +0000

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