OOH OOH! MY TURN! Bet you didnt know even half of these! This list - TopicsExpress


OOH OOH! MY TURN! Bet you didnt know even half of these! This list was originally compiled on 2009. A few are a little out of date. Some time later I will compile a new one. ;) I like to read. I have to full sized book shelves in my room that are full and overflowing. I have religious books, classics, educational, poetry, science fiction, fantasy, self help, motivational, and a few other genres. 2- I’ve been trying to read Moby Dick for al least 5 years. I’ll read a few chapter and pick up something else. The chapter about the whiteness of the whale is absolutely amazing! 3- I like to cook, and I have a few recipes I have created. You should try my crock potted stew. It melts in your mouth! 4- Because I have ADHD I have a hard time focusing on things for extended periods of time, therefore I have a lot of things and hobbies I like to do. I used to joke around that I had a different hobby or something I liked to do for every week of the year. Here’s a partial list. I read, work on my computer, play computer games, cook, bake, at one time I collected no less that 10 different Collectable card games and enjoyed playing them all (about one a week ;) ), I assemble and paint pewter miniatures and I’m fairly good at it, I bowl, I play golf, I rollerblade, I like to Ski, I like to snowboard, I fold origami, I used to play pen and paper role-play games like D&D now I mostly play such games on game systems, I love RockBand and Guitar Hero, and the list goes on………. 5- I can bowl backwards! I’m not kidding, lets go and I’ll show you how I can get a strike doing it! This started in High School when a group of me and my good friends played on a league. We really irritated the other players by bowling backwards through our legs and getting better scores than they did! 6- I play guitar hero on Medium and a few songs on Hard. Why so impressive? I only play maybe one night a month if I’m over at a friends house, if that, because I don’t own the games. 7- As mentioned above I like to assemble and paint pewter miniatures, and I’ve modified a few. Currently my crowning achievement is a Chaos Dragon from Warhammer Fantasy Battle that took me, no less, than 18 hours to finish. It stands in an area about 8” cubed, and is beautiful! 8- I am fascinated by old world Anglo Saxon and Germanic Runes. The Eldar Futhark. I have been since middle school. I used to write notes in them with Ben Burns. It really irritated our teachers because they couldn’t read the notes even though it is a VERY simple substitution encryption! LOL! 9- Have you ever heard of Drunken Fighter Style in Kung Fu? They actually get better in a way when under the influence. I an a drunken dancer I dance like a crazy man, but under the influence, I don’t miss a step, watch me, every step is in time with the music, all night, It’s awesome! I love to move to the music and I surrender completely to it. My feet move, my body sways, my arms undulate and swirl, and if you pay attention you can see steps from a lot of different dance styles. 10- On occasion I can pull out my camera and take some stunning pictures. I have a few from Carlsbad State Beach and the Bellagio in Las Vegas. 11- I own a book with all of Shakespeare’s plays in it. My bet friend and I fought over it when we saw it at the used book store in Middle School. I haven’t read a single play from that book since I got it. In 2007, over 12 years later I found the exact same copy in a different store and bought it for him. We had a good laugh. 12- I recently went through all of my piles of computer junk to see what I could do with it all. I assembled 4 computers, all functional, from the piles so that I could just get rid of all the junk. I have more computer cables than 5-10 people could use in an entire lifetime. Anyone need a UPS? Seriously, I think I have 6 sitting in a corner and I don’t want or need them. The first 4 people to message me saying they want them, can have 1 each. You just have to come get it. LOL 13- I can sing, well, but I choose not to. There are other things I would rather do with my time. Sad, huh? 14- I played the piano for 2 years, the clarinet for 2 years, and sang with the Mountain Choral for 2 years, anyone see a pattern? I just noticed that, huh. 15- The day I was born, a comet flew into the sun. I wonder what the astrologists would have to say about that. 16- I own a book with a secret compartment, and have since I was 11 or 12. 17- The first golf game I ever really played was with my father, Vic groves, and another person from their office. I shot a 63 over 59. They were good teachers, and I was a good student. I can still shoot that good with just a little driving practice. Anyone like to golf? I plan on going out a lot this summer! 18- My father taught me how to play chess. I am indebted to him for that. We used to play all the time and even when I started to beat him consistently, he still played with me. I can’t beat him in backgammon though, lol! 19- I used the first paycheck I ever earned to buy a scope for my air rifle. I still own both. 20- The first PC I ever built was a 386 without a hard drive. It had two 5 ¼” floppy drives that I ran DOS on. I used to sit up until the wee hours of the morning chatting on the old Bulletin Board Sites with people I would never meet. This was just as the internet was starting to take hold. 21- I find grammar fascinating in many ways, but I’m not anal about it. I even own a few books about it. My favorite is the Grammatical Lawyer. It took a series of articles published in a publication for lawyers that each too a specific word and explored it’s usage. Things like affect and effect; your, and you’re; and there, their, and they’re. 22- I have a teddy bear that has its own scrap book. Yup, Lucky the Traveling Bear. He has photos from Wendover to Vegas, and soon to add Dallas! LOL! My co-worker is going to die when it goes with me! 23- My pen name is Kamlisi Calisto. It originated as a role play character in middle school. I even have a story about her. Yup, her, and she danced like the wind too! What can I say, all my game characters are female, I’d rather look at something beautiful than something brutish, LOL! 24- I have a complete set of Dick Tracy Tops brand collectible movie cards. I loved that movie! 25- Finally, I own around 20.000 collectible cards from no less that 15 different games and collections. The highest is Magic The Gathering with around 7000 cards, next is Wyvern with almost 5000 cards, and then various amounts of other games I have played and even some baseball cards.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:13:29 +0000

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