OOU vs Ogun state government. The Struggle,The Politics. There - TopicsExpress


OOU vs Ogun state government. The Struggle,The Politics. There have been several allegations by some anti-OOUITES,political jobbers,party stooges,sponsored elements,intellectual vegetables that the agitation for a reduction in the exorbitant school fees is been sponsored by backyard politicians,well,one might as well keep quiet and silently watch the display of the 3rd degree madness,but in order for this comeraids not to deceive the public. I will be clarifying some notions about this struggle. Firstly,if indeed this struggle is been sponsored by political elements as alleged by some party stooges,let Governor Ibikunle Amosun disgrace his supposed anti-SIA elements by reducing the school fees and lets see if OOUITES will be seen on the streets after reduction. Secondly,it is imperative to know that whatever steps the OOU SUG have been taking is/was mandated by the students populace,and the renowned human rights body on campus popularly known as CDHR has been on its toes ever since the agitations began,CDHR been a nonpartisan organization with conscious comrades who are dedicated and committed to the human rights cause are been guided by the watchword;Education should be a right and never a privilege,which means education should be affordable to the common people and not only for the children of a privileged few,any rational being will know that the OOU school fees is outrageous compared to the infrastructural development of the school. I urge the general public to discard rumours from people who are bent on making tertiary education unaffordable to the common people,and to all the men and ladies of valor in OOU,please keep your ears on the ground and be on red alert as this battle will be fought to a logical conclusion,as we will be adopting Malcolm Xs approach of seeking justice which is seeking justice by any means necessary. Aluta till the end.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 09:31:47 +0000

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