OPEN COMPLAIN TO SIR TREVO C. CLARK OF COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS DEPARTMENT OF WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANISATION , AD 9TH AUGUST 2014. Sir Trevo C. Clark , Copyright and Related Right , World Intellectual Property Organisation , 34 Chemin des Colombettes , CH-1211 Geneva 20 , Switzerland. Dear Sir Trevo C. Clark , SUBJECT: A COMPLAIN ABOUT THE INABILITY OF SOME CITIZENS AND GOVERNMENTS OF SOME MEMBER STATES OF BERN CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTING OF LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS , TO ABIDE TO THEIR SIGNED AND ACCEPTED LEGAL ARTICLES OF BERN CONVENTION , AS THE INTERNATIONAL LAWS OF COPYRIGHT. (§1) Dear Sir Trevo C. Clark , I am moved and empowered by the article 1 and article 2 , paragraph 6 of the Bern Convention for the protecting of literary and artistic works , to contact you officially , in oder to complain about these scores of undefineable odd experinces , which are filled with persecutions , totures and displacements of different kinds , encounted by my gentleself as a succeessful professional scientist or encountable by our different sons and daughters , who are professional scientists , authors , inventors and creators of different kinds of novel piece of work of science of different classes , who are diffusingly priviledged to be citizens of differnt nations of our democratic world , diffused as nations and are partying to the Bern Convention for the protecting of literary and artistic works , as the international copyright laws. (§2) It is a pity to report to jurisdictional authority of the World Intellectual Property Organisation and all it´s member states, that , some of thier member states of this parasoled Bern Convention , for the protecting of literary and artistic works , are no long respecting this Bern Convention , by always seceding indirectly from the mentioned Bern Convention , when a scientist , author , writer or creator of a class or the other , succeeds to create a successful master piece or opus magnum , which as a novel work successful , is bound to be valuing muchly much.The subjects or governments of these different unmentioned member states , are always indulging into percsecuting , displacing or repelling these noble scientists , authors , writers of different classes , tokenly because thier novel works , are protected in these unmentioned nations , which are member state to this Bern Convention.Even some scientists , authors , writers or creators of differnt classes , are sometimes classified in these unmentioned member states , as being mad or sometimes arrested by the police for inappropriate interogations and totures of different classes , tokenly becuase , thier created different master piece or opus magnums are protectable under Bern Convention articles , which this unmentioned member state , is partying to and are requested and bound under law to abide to or respected. (§3) Based on as explained above , I therefore plead the jurisdictional authority of World Interllectual Property Organisation and it´s member states , to visit and investigate these existing situetion , in oder to address these mentioned corruptions , jingostical and ugly bigotries , which are contaminating the practice of these different unmentioned member states of Bern Convention. With All Reagrds , Sir Trevo C. Clark. Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord (Mr). Landshut Germany , 09th August 2014 of Anno Domino.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:54:21 +0000

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