OPEN DEBATE. Lets turn the HIT UP a notch. So gvt intends to ban - TopicsExpress


OPEN DEBATE. Lets turn the HIT UP a notch. So gvt intends to ban the import and purchase of 2nd hand vehicles. personally we have a problem with copy paste attitude when it comes to laws. Copy Laws that work in other countries and paste them here without considering even the most simple and basic issues of effect on the economy. - 75% of the Zambian Economy is in abject poverty. meaning if you come from itawa,chalala,chilenje etc you are that 25% - The 25% of that population 70% is SME (respectable way to call us TAMANGAS/HUSTLERS etc) - If you cant even get a house loan as a tamanga at 26yrs - If you cant even get a kama 20mita business loan as a tamanga with a good interest rate - How the bloody hell am i going to get enough credit to purchase a vehicle for atlist 80,000 KR at 3000KR/Month. - Make enough profit to re invest in my Kantemba,make car payments, pay rentals (cause surely now i am not building my own house), and other social and family responsibilities? - Ok so it has been argued that we are importing scrap metal, well South Africa is making a killing on the scrap we sell them and we buy the metal back as processed good. if that is a problem, then why should we not invest more in the recycling of metal which we can export? one sees a complaint, the other sees an opportunity. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS?
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:08:02 +0000

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