OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL. THURSDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2014. THEME : YOU CAN STAND OUT I. MEMORISE : And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: DEUTERONOMY 28 : 13. READ : LUKE 5 : 17 - 26. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : 1 CHRONICLES 19 : 1 - 22 : 1 AND PROVERBS 29 : 1 - 9. MESSAGE: Our heavenly Father is looking for people that will do the uncommon things required to become uncommonly successful, thereby showing forth His greatness. Looking at the story of the man sick of the palsy in our Bible reading for today, you will learn some things that are essential to attaining this height. This man had a vision of what he wanted to become in life, though he was lame. Vision means beginning with the end in mind. Vision is superior to ambition because while ambition is what you want to happen, vision is what God wants to happen. Furthermore, he realised he needed a change and he chose to change. In 1Chronicles 4 : 9 - 10, we see that Jabez chose to become different and he got it. You also will obtain the necessary transformation you need in accordance with what you have chosen in Jesus’ Name. The sick man was ready for new ideas. For him, getting an alternative meant getting to Jesus. This is where some people need to watch it. This man was wise enough to know where solution lies for him, but in the case of some children of God, instead of waiting on God under their God-appointed spiritual leaders, they continue to patronise different prayer mountains. This man also kept good relationships i.e. good friends. He could not walk, but his friends could. You have to be good yourself to be able to have and maintain good friends. Don’t be a lone ranger; not only in terms of marriage is this relevant, it also applies to you having good dependable friends. The sick lame man also had current information. You need to keep the channels of receiving information open in your life. It is when you are current that you can be correct, and then you can collect what you need, which will eventually stand you out in success. Elisha was current on the things going on in his time (2 Kings 2 : 1 - 4). By this information, he kept following Elijah until finally he collected a double portion of Elijah’s anointing that subsequently made him to stand out. ACTION POINT : Father, whatever it will take for me to stand out, please do it in my life and grant me the grace to co-operate with you. AUTHOR : Pst E. A ADEBOYE.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:10:24 +0000

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