OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL THE WISE CHAMPION Memorise: Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD,and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7 A divine champion is the one made wise by God. Daniel 2:20-21 says it is God who gives wisdom to the wise. Dis means dat every truly wise fellow is indebted to God who is the source of wisdom. No wonder Proverbs 3:5 says: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. If yu want to be wise,yu must be ready to set aside wat yu know,wat yu have been taught & even wat yu have experienced in other to receive the wisdom from above. A divine champion recognises how frail he or she is; he also knows how limited in knowledge he is. One reason we fail to let God into our plans is because we believe we know wat to do. If verse 7 of our reading is anything to go by,it is dat whenever yu come before God,yu must put aside wat yu know so dat yu can receive wat He knows. Acknowledge His unlimited knowledge & wisdom & humbly ask for the best approach to the issue on ground. In John 6:37,Jesus says He does not cast out those who come to Him. James 1:5 says, If any of you lack wisdom,let him ask God,that giveth to all men liberally,and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Everyone saved or unsaved has a measure of wisdom he/she was given by God. Today,some people think they are wise when they begin to create,invent or design things: No! It was given to yu by God. It was given out of His general wisdom. God still has the special type of wisdom dat is accesible only to His children,to receive such,you must be born- again,fear God & flee from sin;yu must study Gods word intensively because it contains unlimited wisdom dat can help yu in all areas of life. Thereafter,ask in faith for wisdom & yu will be given. Witout wisdom,yu can never truly be a divine champion. Have yu asked of wisdom from the Lord? PRAYER POINT: Father,give me wisdom to excel & be above board in every area of my life.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 03:28:56 +0000

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