OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL WEDNESDAY 21ST AUGUST 2013 HOW PROFITABLE ARE YOU? MEMORISE: Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. (Matthew 25:28) READ: Matthew 25:24-30 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Acts 6-9 Believers have different endowment of grace from God. God has given us different talents. It is one thing to have a talent and another thing to use it. In Acts 8:5-8, Philip shone for the Lord and brought joy to a city. How many individuals, families or communities have you delivered joy to? If one man with the same Holy Spirit you have can deliver joy to a city, you have no excuse for not being a source of joy to others. On the other hand, if light fails to shine, darkness will take over. If you consider the aftermath of not trading with the talent given in the parable of the talents, no believer in his or her right mind will like to go through such (Matthew 25:28-30). Instead of a commendation, the unprofitable servant received a rebuke. May the Lord not rebuke you for neglecting your talent! Besides rebuke, the servant who received one talent lost it to his colleague who traded with his. Do you now that apart from eternity, some believers can lose their talents to fellow believers on earth? This is one reason to use whatever God has given you in a most productive way to glorify Him. If God is totally glorified in the way you use the resources He has given you, there will be no need to give it to someone else. Today, there are many believers who once had certain talents or abilities but because they failed to use them well, the grace to operate such divine endowments was withdrawn; they can only point to other people they see using the talents they once had. That shall not be your portion in Jesus name! The servant was tagged an unprofitable servant. Can God call you a profitable servant? What kind of profit has your presence and involvement brought to the Kingdom of God? Finally, the servant has to share eternity with unbelievers. In other words, if your salvation through the blood of Jesus cannot benefit God’s Kingdom, one can still end up in hell. May you end up in Heaven! Rise up, dust your talents and begin to use them from now. KEY POINT : If your life can truly generate profits for God’s Kingdom, you stand to benefit from God both now and in eternity.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 07:14:58 +0000

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