OPEN LETTER FROM A KASHMIRI TO ALL THOSE WHO CARE ABOUT EVERYBODYS RIGHT TO LIVE WITH FREEDOM AND HONOUR! Dear Brothers And Sisters In Humanity, We are not terrorists or extremists. I and my fellow countrymen are not up in arms against any faith, belief, caste or creed. We nurse no grouse against people of India or for that matter any other country. Live and let live, is the cardinal principle to our philosophy of brotherhood. And on this rationale we want to strengthen our relations with others. You must know that we have been coerced into servitude, same way as British had enslaved people of India. Jammu and Kashmir is not a part of India. It was never a part of India. Till 1947, this country had a distinct position in the comity of nations. On 27th of October 1947, sorties after sorties of Indian army landed on this land and occupied it. And on the strength of sheer military power it snatched freedom of the people and has perpetuated its occupation till date. The people of this land of great tradition of religious tolerance and humanism are suffering for past sixty three years. It is not a fable, an imaginary story; I am just sharing history with you. To this day comity of nations recognizes Kashmir as a dispute. The United Nations Security Council has passed as many as twenty seven guaranteeing right to self determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. These resolutions explicitly state providing of an opportunity to the people of the state to decide their future and holding of a plebiscite under the aegis of the United Nations. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, has pledged to the people of the state in Indian Parliament and at Lal Chowk, Srinagar that they would be given an opportunity to decide their future. His words, “we do not believe in forced marriages. If people of Kashmir dont want to remain with us, we cannot force them and after holding of plebiscite whatever is peoples decision, we will happily accept”are a part of proceedings of Indian Parliament . India betrayed its own pledges and forgot its own commitments. It continues to occupy our land forcibly. For past sixty three years people of Jammu and Kashmir have been struggling against this forcible occupation. India claims to be a largest democracy. As a democratic country it should have upheld rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. But instead it has been using state power to suppress people of the state and trample down their just and genuine rights under heavy military boots. Since 1947, half a million people have been killed and during past twenty years over a hundred thousand have been done to death, 10,000+ have got disappeared in custody, 10,098 women have been dishonored and molested. In North Kashmir 2700 mass graves have been discovered. 107,469 children have been orphaned, thirty five thousand women widowed and fifteen hundred women forced to live lives of half-widows. Confinements, detentions without trial under draconian laws like Public Safety Act are order of the day. Thousands have been jailed and subjected to third degree tortures in interrogation centers. And as on date 1500+ Kashmiris are languishing in different jails within and outside the state. Hair raising agonizing stories inside hundreds of tortures centers across the state melt even the stone hearted but it is yet to prick the conscience of Indian establishment and leadership. I am confident that our woeful story must have touched your heart and stirred your soul. It is our trust, our unflinching belief that from now on you will raise your voice against suppression of about ten million people. And I am equally confident that you will garner support of all justice loving people for our just cause. As a small token of participation in our fight for Freedom and Justice join us on 20/3/14 | 9:00 PM (KST) to raise awareness about what india is doing in Kashmir by Trending #KashmirGenocide on Twitter Regards, An Ordinary Kashmiri
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:37:57 +0000

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