OPEN LETTER FROM AN ORDINARY SCOTTISH GUY, AND YES VOTER, ON THE REFERENDUM. As everyone on here can see the above occupies a lot of my thinking right now. And, as far as Im concerned, its with good reason too. This an attempt to layout to get all my thoughts in one place. Its as much for myself as anyone else. In the process I may put my heart on the line and lay my soul bare. So what else is new? Us, the ordinary voters in Scotland, have Scotlands destiny in our hands this year. The future of this wonderful country, our children and the coming generations depend on what we decide. Is that overstating the case and too grandiose? NO! It isnt. We need to be engaged in this process and take it seriously. Not many people are afforded an opportunity such as this. Its the 21st century and we live in an oil rich country where the poorer people in our society are not being properly looked after. We have pensioners in fuel poverty, a growing number of food banks and children living in families below the bread line. Do I think a Yes vote will change this overnight? No of course I dont. Im not naive and Im not stupid. Ill tell you what I DO think though; at the heart of the Scottish psyche is an overriding sense of social justice. People in this country want politicians that are closer to home and able to get on top of this massive injustice. I firmly believe whatever government leads an independent Scotland they would be forced to pay more attention to this problem, than successive Westminster regimes have. Lets face it, it wouldnt be difficult! This country found oil and become poorer after all. As for politicians. Do I think Holyrood would be free of corrupt, self serving career politicians. No, not for a minute do I think that. Ill tell you what I DO think though; they will be working in a much smaller and tighter political arena in Edinburgh and, as such, I think theyll be more answerable to the electorate. Just think, one fell swoop and we can be rid of layers and layers of extra politicians and bureaucrats at Westminster...including the House of Lords. Theres a few extra quid in your pocket straight away. This union has not worked for Scotland. History (and the current situation) show us continually saddled with governments the Scottish electorate havent voted for and dont want. Ultimately though we can argue ourselves to a complete standstill over the politics. People far more clever than I can show you proof that Scotland would be better off as an independent country. And people far more clever than I can show you proof that Scotland would be better off remaining in the union. All I know is that the questions over currency, EU membership and all the others that come up have not proved to be insurmountable obstacles to the 150 or so countries that have gained independence since WW11. Scotland can do the same with its world class science and technology sectors, business people, academics, natural resources, and the health and education systems we have in place...and will start to look after properly. Were perfectly placed to be a viable, modern, successful independent 21st century nation. I think many people are afraid of change and I think the no campaign has focused in on that. In my opinion therell be many people voting no because its better (together) the devil you know. So where does all this leave us? Many of us ordinary voters may will rely on good old gut instinct. Looking around, my gut instinct tells me that an independent Scotland voted for by its own people and run by its own people FOR its own people can do far better than we are doing right now. THATS why Im voting Yes. Thanks for reading (if anyone actually did ). These are, as I said at the outset, just my straightforward honest opinions. I dont pretend to have all the answers and I dont have some fancy political degree or anything. Just an ordinary warehouse worker with love, care and compassion for my country. The view from the ordinary guy in the street if you like. Aw ra best pals and have a great weekend.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:42:49 +0000

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