OPEN LETTER FROM OUR OWNER/EXECUTIVE CHEF, MYRNA KALLERGIS: Silver Whisk currently has 4.5 stars on Facebook and 3.5 stars on YELP. It seems that there is a rather large discrepancy. There are some rather harsh, unfair and some untrue reviews on YELP and it hurts. #1 We send ALL recipes out within 1 week of class. If a customer gives us a spam email address or has handwriting a kitchen assistant or myself can not read, then you most likely wont get your recipes. Thats why we ask you to PRINT your name on the sign-in sheet. #2 Silver Whisk returns ALL of our phone calls :) #3 Sure, things are sometimes pre-measured if we have a lot of students. Most of our customers understand because it saves time. Silver Whisk chefs & staff answer ALL questions and do not talk down to our customers. We speak to them, not at them. They are why we do what we love. #4 #SilverWhisk teaches people at ALL levels. Some people dont cook at all so we want them to feel included. If youre an advanced home cook, please ask us any questions or we will happily make your curriculum more custom/challenging for you. Just call or email us in advance to let us know! Most people are not advanced. Our school is for all levels, but we ask you please communicate what level you consider yourself. Silver Whisk doesnt assume everyone can cook. Silver Whisk doesnt want to discourage novice cooks from taking a step into the kitchen and joining a class. Last, but not least, there is absolutely *nothing else I would rather do on earth than be working in Austin as a cooking school instructor. I may be loud, brassy and refer to a lot of pop culture in my cooking classes, but I cook from my soul. I try to make memorable experiences for people and use pop culture as a reference, so they remember certain techniques. Im the opposite of boring. I bring enthusiasm and passion to everything I do. I LOVE my staff. I can joke around with them because we are that tight of a group. I have the best staff in town. PERIOD. I support my son, Ari with this business, so it hurts when people exaggerate on YELP or post blatantly untrue things about my business. I feel blessed to be able to own Silver Whisk. I would like to ask for all the people who have come to Silver Whisk and HAD A GREAT TIME, LEARNED SOMETHING NEW, ENJOYED MY STAFF, ENJOYED A GUEST CHEF, ENJOYED THE FOOD, ENJOYED THE LIVE MUSIC, HAD A GREAT EXPERIENCE OR HAVE TAKEN SEVERAL CLASSES AND GOTTEN YOUR RECIPES...PLEASE GIVE US A REVIEW ON YELP. Yelp and Facebook are great. I just want 99% of the reason(OUR CUSTOMERS) Ive had Silver Whisk open for nearly 3 years to speak up on YELP! 82% of my business is repeat customers, so I think that should let people know how much my staff and I CARE & VALUE every single person that walks through our doors. Thanks so much for allowing me and my team to serve all of you these years. We hope to serve you many more! Im humbled and honored you would choose Silver Whisk Cooking School for your date nights, GNOs, birthdays, bridal showers and anniversaries. Sincerely, Chef Myrna Kallergis
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 19:57:12 +0000

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