OPEN LETTER TO AHMAD RASHEED MAKARFI. Dear Sir i found it - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER TO AHMAD RASHEED MAKARFI. Dear Sir i found it expedient to write this letter to you considering the volatile nature and uncertainty in the run off to 2015 General elections particularly in your home state of Kaduna and your second home state of Kano. Ranka ya dade since your resign from the services of Freedom Radio Few months ago i was scared with the hope you seem to have lost in your home state of Kaduna and Kano. I was since we met inspired by your politics of Ideology and the worry you always expressed on how the children of the elite want to maintain the status quo in piloting the affairs of Nigeria till eternity. Alhaji Ahmad you should consider the blessings and bounties bestowed upon you by the Almighty Allah as His servant, Since we met i have been following your antecedent as some one who is not obsessed with the quick rich syndrome despite been blessed with legal and scientific Knowledge married with the all mother of Knowlegde that is the Islamic Knowledge. The main reason of writing this letter to you is to call you to reconsider your decision of not participating actively in politics. And to come out dare and challenge the children of the capitalists from retaining political Posts once occupied by their Fathers. Indeed money politics have been part and parcel of many of us which if you see and from the experiences you had you will be easily scared away from contesting any position in Nigeria which is been taking over by capitalists. Alhaji Ahmad Rasheed Makarfi you are a bridge between the children of the Talakawas and that of the capitalists as you enjoyed support from both, here iam saying this from experience as you have been instrumental to rise of many who ended up abandoning you. Iam also motivated with the grass root support you have been enjoying in your home town of MAKARFI Local Government area in Kaduna state despite having the likes of Senator Ahmad Muhammad Makarfi. I was annoyed and deemed it necessary to write this letter to you to rescue the bulk of the Nigerian Voters who constitute more than 90 percent of the Nigerian Masses from the children of the capitalists who want to exploit the advantage of our numerical strength in enjoying the loot of this nation. Iam reffering to how almost every where i went in the Federal Republic of Nigeria I see the posters of this children aspiring to contest one position or the other especially the House of representatives where the earning is so stupendous due to the rich quick syndrome that afflicted our people. In Kano i sighted their posters in major streets indicating to contest different positions. Challenging them Is a task that must be done Alhaji Ahmad and that challenge must start from you considering the goodwill you are enjoying in Makarfi Local Government. I have no doubt in my mind that you will garner all the votes to be casted in your domain and you can contest any position of your choice, i learnt from experience that you will help the downtrodden the moment you ascended to any political throne of your choice. If President Ebele who rose from Otuoeke to the most influential House the Aso rock Villa in Abuja can make it you can make it because you rose from the House of Scholarship in Makarfi Local Government. According to one Arab poet ** Adduniya Akallu Minal Kalili wa ashiquha azhallu Minazzalili** The world is a miniature place to Live and the one who want to earn it helter skelter is the most backward human being I implore you Alhaji Ahmad Rasheed to accept this clarion call and rescue the people of Makarfi considering the ample time at your disposal since your resignation from The most influential Private Radio Station in Northern Nigeria the Freedom Radio Kano despite the services you rendered there. No doubt you are a member of the most progressive party in Africa the All progressive congress which is out to rescue Nigeria from the Misrule of the PDP. My Regard to the people of Makarfi and political associates. My Utmost regard also to Madam Hajiya Maryam who has been your supporting pillar and have never let you down in your effort to render services to the people of Sabuwar Gandu and other environs when you were with Us at Freedom Radio which i know she is ever ready to support you in your future endeavours Till you hear from me. From your boy Abbas Yushau Yusuf
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:22:11 +0000

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