OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR HENRY SERIAKE DICKSON Your Excellecy, like they say uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. You are a golden fish, let them say God is above, If Jonathan could be the most attacked President in the world today on the pages of Media plateform because of his dogged hunger for transformation there is nothing those Unreliable and unappreciative Bayelsans who are oblivious of your good works will not say. Rest your mind you are on point. I wouldnt want to highlight all the good works you have done in the state, but if i have my way i will agitate for more fund for you because your developmental Big-heart is making your enemies not to be at peace, what they say is not possible is gradually becoming a reality in their eyes. When i took a tour round the state to see the level of the construction work going on in the difficult terrain across the entire state i have No option but to say Nua! Alua! Do!. I am not saying all this because i am under your payroll neither am i soliciting for a quid-pro-quo but because i believe in the ijaw Jerusalem and the ijaw struggle. Your Excellency be resolute, good men are meant to suffer vilification, crucification, criticism, calumny but No weapon formed against you shall prosper as long as your mission is to better the lives of Bayelsans. Your Excellency, after series of reasearch and findings i make bold to say without apology that your social media team is the best in the entire country in-terms of Efficiency and Expertise, Never you worry when you see caward Ghost names making senseless comment on facebook trying to paint you black, please remain focus, we will match them word for word if need be why you hold your peace. Today facebook has become a place where even mad people are given the previllage to talk mad talk, although some of them wants to be constructive in there criticism but they lack the intellectual capability to translate there Namby-Pamby messages, please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. In conclusion i wish to sincerely and whole-heartedly appreciate your -Your Deputy - Chief press secretary - S.S.G - commissioner for Information and the - Bayelsa social media committee For proper information management Long live Nigeria Long live Bayelsa State Long live our Amiable Governor Long live Izon-Ibe COMRADE (ENGR) GODSPOWER BENAKIEGHA
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:53:41 +0000

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