OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR KASHIM SHETTIMA It is with deep sense - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR KASHIM SHETTIMA It is with deep sense of sorrow, and grief that I write this letter to you your Excellency. It is my hope that you are doing fine, as well as your family. Sir I wanted to write this letter on may 29 to commemorate democracy day, but then I had a second thought about the whole issue, and I reached a conclusion that there is nothing to celebrate when our people are constantly being killed, and our villages are being destroyed almost on hourly basis now. Let me also extend my heartfelt condolence for the unfortunate killing of our father the late Emir of Gwoza, Alh Idrisa Timta, May Aljanna be his final abode. This does not mean that as governor you have not done well, indeed you have done everything humanly possible as a leader, and to me you deserve more than commendation. You have achieved a lot despite the unfortunate challenges, in the areas of housing, healthcare delivery, roads construction, education, and other sectors. But all these can only be enjoyed when there is relative peace in the land, but sadly as it is today we are not enjoying the benefits of all your initiatives because of the destructions of lives and properties due to the activities of these bastards called boko haram. Your Excellency sir, our villages have now turn to ghost towns, they were either wiped out by these blood sucking beasts, or the occupants of those villages had run away just to protect themselves. Our farmers no longer go to farms, not because they don’t want to, but because of the fear of either boko haram, or they are afraid to be cut in crossfire between the military and terrorists. The situation is so pathetic, because the farm is their only means of livelihood, and only God knows the situation that some of this farmers are in today. Your Excellency, unless urgent steps are taken, the humanitarian crisis that the state is facing as a result of the activities of this blood sucking beasts will reach point where people will start dying of hunger and starvation. Your Excellency sir, sometimes I ask the question if at all Borno state is still part of Nigeria? Or if we are still part of it, then what happen to this great nation that use to go to the rescue of its fellow African countries anytime that there is an uprising in any part of the continent? Where the brave are soldiers that librated Liberia, Sierra Leon, and other parts of Africa? Why have they abandoned us? Indeed there are many questions that demand some answers, but I have comes to the conclusion that the only answers to those questions are wickedness, incompetence, corruption, cluelessness, and above heartlessness from those who are in charge of the Nigeria security forces. Your Excellency sir, you are the most diplomatic leader I have ever come across, you have been so diplomatic with the federal govt, with the hope that they can reason with the situation that our people are facing, but it is now clear that they don’t care about us. They are just playing politics and looking for whom to blame for their ineptitudes. I believe we have reached a level where they have lost any form of respect from our people. The primary responsibility of any govt is the security and the welfare of its citizens and the federal govt has failed in that regard. Your Excellency sir, our people are now migrating to neighboring countries where they believe they can be secured. It is unfortunate that today in our own country we are no longer safe, and there is no any sign that the govt has any plan to come to our rescue. How is it possible for the boko haram to be attacking us without any resistance from the security forces, even when our state is under state of emergency? Yet we have been hearing all sorts of lies that 20,000 troops have been deployed to the state. Therefore, unless if it is the 20,000 troops that are killing our people, there is no iota of truth about the deployment of the said troops. Unfortunate, the security of lives and properties of all Nigerians is the responsibility of the federal govt who are in charge of the security forces, the states govts can only complement them, which you as a governor have done your best, and even the military had testified to that on so many occasions. Therefore, the period of being diplomatic with a govt that does not care about the security of our people should be over. Your Excellency, you should be telling the whole world the true situation of our people and the failure of the federal govt, so that the whole world will know the situation of our people. Your Excellency sir, you should also ask Jonathan on our behalf if Borno is still part of Nigeria. Your Excellency, while I commend you for your efforts in alleviating the sufferings of the victims of the book haram attacks, I also want to bring to your attention the allegations in some quarters that the monies you use to give to the victims in some cases are diverted by some heartless govt officials. Your Excellency, these issue should be properly investigated, and whoever is found guilty should face the full wrath of the law. Anyone that engaged in this act is even worse than the boko haram. Whoever diverts monies belonging to the victims should also know that it is a blood money they are eating, and they will one day stand before Allah and give full account of their actions. I want to also commend some of the govt officials for their efforts, I want specially commend the efforts of Hon Musa Inuwa Kubo, the commissioner of education. Immediately after the ugly incidence in Chibok, this man went to that town the next day and was there for almost a week, even when must people are afraid to go there. This is indeed a man that should be commended by all, he had been on the media, both local and international, explaining the situation, and I say kudos to him. Isa Umar Gasua who is the SSA on media has also been doing a good job, by enlightening the world about the situation in our dear state, indeed he deserve commendation for his patriotism. Likewise people like Usman Majidadi Kumo, Christopher Godwin Akaba, and others who have been working hard in the best interest of the state. Your Excellency sir, the good work that the above mentioned people are doing has made it clear that competent and intelligent people should be the ones to occupy positions of authority. It is important for example to have people who are educationally sound in both the state house of assembly, and the national assembly. As it is now, only few of them knows what they are doing, and one can imagine if we have people who will think along your line in the state assembly, certainly it will make the governance of the state easier. We also need competent people at the national assembly so that they can protect our interest at the national level. Therefore, Your Excellency, it is important that you give your blessing only to those who knows what it takes to be a leader in a state such as ours with its enormous challenges. We need people who will be thinking of what they can do to the state, and not what the state can do to them. Your Excellency, you can be rest assured of our total support at this critical time in our history as a state in Nigeria. May Allah in his infinite mercy bring an end to this unnecessary killings, and destructions? May Allah expose those who are bent on destroying us ameen. Yours sincerely ABDULLAHI YUSUF
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:07:52 +0000

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