OPEN LETTER TO “PITSO THE SPECIAL ONE” MOSIMANI Dear Coach: We are braking our silence for the first time after our lost on Sather day. And I hope that u will not hold this against us the real MAMELODI SUNDOWNS supporters. Coach WE would like to let u know that we the real MAMELODI SUNDOWNS supporters are very hurt after losing the game against Platinum Stars, but we would also like to use this opportunity to let u know that we know that we have early injuries in the team. And we would also love to thank u for last season. When u joined MAMELODI SUNDOWNS u sad u wanted to balance the team first to escape relegation and u also sad that the players that where there at the time u found them there and u just had to use them and u will sign your own player so that we can contend for league horn us’. And yes coach u did sign your own players and after 7years we won the league. Many coaches had come and gone but thy could not win the league in that 7years. And u did it in just one and half season at MAMELODI SUNDOWNS. So coach this season u signed new players again and we would love u to know that we support u in everything u do at our beloved team because u are a coach whit vision and u have not lied to us before. U have kept to your word and thanks for that. We would also love to thank u for standing up for MAMELODI SUNDOWNS against its number one enemy the S.A media. And we want u to know that we share your fission of defending the league and contending for the C.A.F Champions league. And yes we know in soccer u win some and u lose some, and we also know that losing a game makes u stronger and not weaker. So coach we would love to leave u whit the following words: K.B.Y WE SHALL REMAINE, AND HAKEKE RA FELA MATLA. FROM: The real MAMELODI SUNDOWNS SURPORTERS.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:58:58 +0000

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