OPEN LETTER TO SHITBALL TED CRUZ ET AL. Dear Ted and Friends, There is a constitutional process to repeal laws. This process was followed tragically in the demise of Glass-Steagal. The GOP could have shut down the government in an effort to “repeal” it, but they had just lost in 1996 as a result of shutting it down in 1995 and 1996, so they opted to go through the constitutional legislative process, and to his everlasting disgrace, Clinton signed it. But they didn’t dare make believe that congress had the option not to fund a duly passed LAW ! It is absurd to to insist that there is such a thing as a congressional veto of all laws that have been passed through the constitutionally set legislative procedure. That is a fiction. They can argue over spending levels, but they cannot veto existing law outside the constitutional rubric. For if they could.....then no law would EVER be settled business. So these “offers” to which you refer might as well include an offer by the GOP to pass a CR of two weeks duration provided Obama commit suicide. That is called blackmail. But don’t complain if when the Dems have a majority they threaten a rightist president that if he/she does not unilaterally raise the top marginal rate to 90% on all income over one million dollars per annum, that they will cause a default unless military spending is cut by 50% ! This blackmail shit cuts two ways. Better remember that, Scumbag !
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 10:40:51 +0000

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