OPEN LETTER TO THE MONTSERRADO COUNTY LEGISLATIVE CAUCUS Dear Honorable Legislators of Montserrado County; Thank you for your patriotic services and leadership roles played since the second outbreak of this deadly Ebola various in Liberia. While it is true that we are gradually winning the war against our unseen enemy (Ebola), please remain focus in making the proper legislations that will drastically minimize the possibility of another Ebola outbreak even after this one. Montserrado County is one of the counties that drastically suffers the whip of Ebola Virus in Liberia, the people you represent especially the poverty stricken masses have shed immeasurable tears for their loved ones, and a Legislator of your Caucus also lost his beautiful daughter indirectly owning to this same virus, What`s the next step? Honorable Legislators of Montserrado County, being at the verge of winning the war against our dangerous enemy this time around does not mean we can`t prepare for another war the next time it attacks us. The number of astute and patriotic Liberians who lost their lives to this Ebola virus is alarming; the casualties are unprecedented, but worst of all, our health care delivery system has completely failed us. I think the primary thing that should be discussed during Plenary is the formulation of legislations that will rapidly revamp our health and educational sector. We urgently need legislations that will encourage more students to focus on the sciences, build more libraries and laboratories, and increase government spending on our health and educational sectors. For the first time in decades, let this Honorable 53rd National Legislature formulates legislations aim at allocating revenues for Research, for when we invest in research; it makes our country even better and prepares us for future contingencies like this deadly Ebola outbreak. But first, the Honorable Legislature needs to formulate strategies that will cut down government recurrent expenditure that constitutes about 75% of our national budget by working on fixed salaries and benefits those public servants from the three branches of government with different portfolios should receive. Let there be assigned number of both foreign and national consultants that public institutions of government should be allowed to hire, thereby giving the amount of salaries and benefits that they should incur. Honorable Legislators of Montserrado County, it is through you that I make those suggestions, and it is up to you and your honorable colleagues to decide whether or not Liberia should continue addressing 21st century problems with 20th century methods, or whether you can finally formulate legislations that will prepare a group of young people that will be willing to give their all to this nation, especially through health and education. While our health care delivery system needs to be overhauled, our educational sector is in complete mess despite the tremendous efforts that are being made to institute reforms. The Ministry of Education could be doing its sincere best in revamping the educational sector with the little resources available, but the exclusion of students in its programs and projects formulations and implementations is one of the root causes of the little process made thus far. I believed that our educational sector can not be reform until students, who are the worst victims of our dilapidated educational system are included in the formulation and implementations of programs that are meant to solve the problems facing them. Say another way; if students are the victims of massive corruptions and massive failures in National exams and universities entrances, then we must first start finding solutions to those problems by working with the victims to better understand the reasons why these things are happening. Only when we understand what the students are going through can we formulate SMART and practical solutions to the problems facing our educational sector. As the President of the Montserrado County Chapter of the Liberia National Students Union, we have already taken steps to inform the authorities at the Ministry of Education about their acts of neglecting students, but my leadership will soon come knocking on the doors of your offices asking for financial and moral supports in order to implement our first seven programs and projects that completely represent the problems and suggestions of the high school students of Montserrado County. Honorable Legislators of Montserrado County, we expect nothing than your full cooperation, for the estimated 500,000 high school students of Montserrado County are an integral part of the constituents you represent. Say another way, We can only succeed in preparing resourceful future leaders of Liberia if we work together as partners in investing in the students who I believed is the key to any reform that must take place in the educational sector. Although we have formulated those programs and projects, they are all subject to your revisions, and I hope that when those project proposals get to your various offices, you will treat them with urgency because, our future is under serious threat if we do not formulate rapid respond mechanisms in the soonest possible time. Honorable Legislators of Montserrado County, this is a defining and challenging moment in our nation`s history. A moment that will determine whether or not we can safely delivery this nation to the future generation, and we all have our responsibilities, but most importantly, you are the core of the decisions that will reflect the future of Mama Liberia, and when your children`s children look you in the eyes and say: Grand pa, what did you do as a former Legislator to leave me a better future? I hope that your answers will make them to become proud of you, and not the other way around. Finally and frustratingly, some honorable Legislators think that by sending their children abroad for studies, they are lessening their burdens and giving them a better future, but the day you became legislators of Montserrado County, the future of Montserrado County became your burden and the children of Montserrado County also became your children. So, that grand child that will look you in the eyes and ask you will not necessarily be your biological child, but instead, it will be the innocent children of Montserrado County that you are representing now. It may be the child of that poverty stricken family that have channel his suggestions of making his future better through us, which we have compiled into project proposals that you will soon see on the desks of your offices. Best regards: MOHAMMED DONZO PRESIDENT, LINSU MONTSERRADO CHAPTER EMAIL: mdonzo94@yahoo/ mdolley96@gmail CELL #s: 0886821834/0770821834
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:40:23 +0000

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