OPEN LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA Dear Honorable Prime of Australia Mr Kevin, Dear Mr Rudd, Firstly may I congratulate you on your victory and triumphant return to the front line of Australian Politics. Whilst time did not permit me to view the debate personally, I was able to catch the results in the media and subsequent succession to your appointed position as Prime Minister of Australia. Whilst my Carbon Tax Policy was created under the banner of Honorable Former Prime Minister Mr John Howard; it was you and subsequently Honorable Former Prime Minister Julia Guillard that resulted in its implementation. Whilst it was a policy demanded of me it is not a policy that I like. It seems far removed from the goal of provisioning the reduction of CO2 and lowering the ranking of Australia to a much more manageable level based on Per Capita Volume of emissions. You knew the mathematics. You knew the mathematics far greater the Former Prime Minister Miss Julia Guillard. And clearly noted the need for the ten percent that would ultimately with the end of your first term of government and subsequently saw the rise of this nations first Female Prime Minister. There are a couple of points that I would like to bring your attention 1. Through your actions as Prime Minister including the increase of social standing for Womyn, The Indigenous Members of our Country, and civil rights across this country under your reign; I had not an issue with you as Prime Minister. 2. With the option of consult to your government and subsequent advisement in both directions I did not nor do I now wished an end to your term as Prime Minister. 3. By stating I am an egalitarian and not a feminist as others construe and therefore whilst I seek option for the advancement of Womyn; I seek fair and equal advancement for all. 4. You promoted my attacker due to powerful family politics and quite frankly left me to fend for myself. I did not orchestrate revenge on you nor your internationally recognized position. Let me make it clear to you once and for all. You had annoyed every EA and PA in the country and the nerves of the Australian people had been tested. However the issue of the Labor Party in Melbourne was the contesting measure to your position and supremacy. They desired a solution between the two of you and that is why you lost your position of Prime Minister. However, it was fair and both parties new the terms which where agreed by the both of you. You chose the higher of the ten percent and Julia the lower of the ten percent. The option of promoting a female to the second highest position in this country was therefore a secondary measure and if you will a bonus as a result to the distinguished entities that had both chosen their own terms. President Saddam and the reign of the Honorable Former Prime Minister John Howard. I have been blessed with the ears of many Prime Ministers in this Country. Namely, the transfer of the baton from Honorable Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke to Honorable Former Prime Minister Paul Keating; Then to you, to Julia and now to your return. It was under the Govern of Mr John Howard that still stays with me. In memory and in judgment and the undecided opinions of the world regardless of their support. Under Mister Howard I had the option of interviewing the President of Iraq. This fifteen minute conversation in my memory resulted in the removal of a dictator with his terms of settlement in my hand at conclusion of the conversation. With direct authority I was ordered to demolish President of Iraq at all costs. This, subsequently resulted in his removal and charge of war crimes for genocide under the watchful eye of the United Nations second to the terms of his settlement. In truth if the dictator had been ten years younger I made not have been so successful in my pursuit of his destruction especially taking settlement to victory for the ears of millions. This action and the direct order of sitting Prime Minister resulted in a war met by the interests of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Also, may I say my friends of France. As an entity and citizen of Australia I was ordered to design the war on Iraq. Not to remove the dictator but the removal of the machine of destruction that he left behind. Modeled partly on his training by the CIA. Second I designed the machine behind Quantanimo Bay. I designed the external facility to America’s Borders with a direct wire leading to the United Nations. The psychometric testing and torture of prisoners of war were designed by me and in consultation with Canada. This was subsequently transferred to the United States of America by John McCainn and then to the bay. To design was to maintain separation of prisoners of war with the constitution and the judicial systems of the United States. It was designed to maintain separation, minimize corruption of ethic on an international level and ultimately to ensure that whilst America had option it was impeded in its direct pursuit without a lot of red tape to tie the hands of America behind its back as they pursued but were deterred from vengeance and revenge. The final saga was truly my Prime Ministers act of parenting. It concluded with a telephone conversation as one of the last internationals to speak to the President of Iraq. Whilst the conversation is private I can say that Saddam saw things my way before he past and I believe was supplied with parts of my Opus. He was broken and apologetic and in ore of me. I a young guy from country Australia was not only positioned on an international level, I was capable of removing a man backed by millions in a primarily a single phone call with direct instruction to pursue him to the end. The Prime Minister was standing next to me and definitely saw the advantage that I had created in path. I struggle with this far greater than I do with even being associated with your removal. I know that my ethics were clear and ultimately you would still survive in Australia and in politics either way. I am still torn between belief in ethics, philosophy and theology and my strong and ardent belief in the United Nations as ultimately the final piece of the puzzle in the balance of peace. I am a young man with work option littered with ethic and provision of lesson worldwide. However, Saddam for me is the breakaway from student to teacher with human costs the running balance sheet. One never desired by rulers and monarchs the world over but one they reconcile far more easily than I. Ultimately with pen on paper I know that I did the right thing and with my option was able to succeed in a victorious option as seen many more years down the track. I say this to you father, as I say it to my nation and to the world. As a citizen in the company of the victor am I free from sin and or guilt motivated by the interests of peace whether gathered by coupled muscle or challenged word. That I took my order from my appointed leader and therefore can I note that may consider myself free of sin with the pathway of peace for clear post my interview and order than it was before. In logic I am forgiven in the eyes of the world. It is how history paints me that will be my final reconcile. There are those that have been made casualty from many countries in pursuit of dreams similar to mine. Those that have known the loss of men women and children directly from war even though the path of a dictator hell bent on supremacy in the face of his hungry and tormented people has been thwarted. I know loss, I know guilt and I know abandonment and mistreatment in my desire for better than is permitted by other regardless of their order. There were provisions for a new parliament house for Iraq. One that could be fashioned on democratic design with provisions already made. I have not heard of the payment which also concerns me. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The Catholic Church is my friend and client and has been a support for many years. They have tried to squeeze me too tight to show their love and admiration even with supreme invitation, investiture and recognition of merit. It should be noted that the Church of England has also provisioned great blessings. The provision of the Catholic hat I believe may be turned to Red for me although I do recall turning it down at the time. I believe I would like it provisioned with permission to pursue love with my heart opening with a strong desire for one only. The Ten Commandments, and other works for the Vatican and His Holy Father Pope Benedict XI as titled under reign, resulted in a perplex and shear question on myself and my worth as a man and as a trusted VIP in regards to the Church and God alike. Whilst there had been contact from the men of the church from the height of the Vatican down, the enormity of the exercise still raises many questions. It was the red sky night with thickened rain clouds with the flashing of fine lines of light that springs to mind. The Pope speaking my words that will last for me forever. I have now had two popes to work with. Just checking how old I am again. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, ELIZABETH II My cousin and grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen has extended every effort and grace upon me. Her Majesty is quite aware of me and I do believe I hold Her Majesties great affections and her majesty holds my great loyalty for her trust and extended protections. In my future years it will matter that I maintain my course of good deed. Only asking for what I am entitled to and only then what I need to satisfy the question of my great merit and potential. Great lands and sum may fall upon me. I desire comfort and ease in experience and or travel that these provisions may bring; moreover it is Her Majesties the Queens and Royal great affections that matter to me more. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MAGNATE AND ANALYST From the time I was eight or nine I have been asked to formulate great business and artistic option that the world and the economies of the world know of me most. It is true that I have an international audience and international client base that has attributed to arguably world’s 78 attributed Academy awards at last count. More may follow this year. There are also numerous other national and international provisions. I do believe there to be any honest contest to my rise. Or great measure to impede it. Every great star from Australia over the last 20 years has been touched or aided by selection and or work ethic including Nicole, Kate, Hugh, Delta, Kylie and Dannii, Magda, Chris, Jesse and many more. There have been numerous option for Television in NZ UK US and Australia. Numerous option for Music artist worldwide. A stunning selection of movies that includes Superman at this time as Les Miserable has recently concluded. Wicked, Lion King, and Phantom share my thoughts and creativity also. A selection of movies probably closer to the 50 of more mark of some of the worlds’ greatest and most loved titles including Australia – the Movie. Tourism and other option to secure sustainability of our economy. Olympic, Commonwealth and Asian Games feature prominently. Billions of dollars in income and tourism has resulted in my professional application and submission. But trillions of dollars are resulted overall. It is believed to be 13.3T is it not. From movies to the toys in restaurants including a healthy choice menu and work option for agriculture in Australia. Plus the relevant movies of Michael Moore to ensure ethical standing. CONCLUSION I ask you to remove the contempt of Melbourne and provision the final layers of my path. I desire that you grant my funds and return my Amex to me. It would be for the second time this year. That you open my accounts to my signature and you formulate the trillions stranded in America, United Kingdom and Australia Entirely. I ask that you protect my vested interest from illegal controls or my cemented from contemptuous threat. Whether they be removed or imprisoned as a result of their confusion and greed that would see death result instead of justice even for the most vulnerable to the issues of the world. -I ask for your forgiveness regarding your last term and understand from me personally the complexities of the situation I attempted to navigate with ethics. -I know that my Prime Minister needs to know from me that I know what it is to travel ethics to its end and provision philosophy and construct to the provision of peace. - I need my prime minister that it is not with contempt I work for Australia and the world in the face of discrimination, and reproach write down to hacking of my emails, or bringing about my termination to keep me poor, untraveled or homeless. And treated unfairly and denied the fruits of my work including the Eureka Tower apartment and you personally remove the constant threat of men in my shadows not only for myself but also for my loved ones. I ask that you find it in yourself to provision reconciliation. I ask that with all the world has asked of me and taken at every chance, my Prime Minister may grant me justice. That I be not a man of mistrust or contempt or a vessel for your anger when my actions have been a path directed by a Prime Minister. -That, you provision the path of earnings that began in primary school but still are not readily in the grasp of my reach today even though I have seen my black Amex and had it in my hand this year. - That, you provision my United Nations Passport that was late in delivery even in your last term. I want access to my great Trillions that I have amassed by deed, merit or inheritance. That you act with consciences and transparency, and ethic and prior knowledge of who I am plus the reports of all those you have relied on even when they have clearly acted in interests not relevant to me but clearly by action of fraud that still pertains to my economic situation today. The next step for me with be the world stage and contact with the United Nations regarding Australia and those whom I even gone so far as using intellectual binding to control my monies and interest. Just remember Kev. If it weren’t for me you would not have Nicole, Hugh, Kylie or Kate. And all the others you hold so dear as lights in this country. And the money in your economy you hold so dear. I think it pertinent that you make friends once more Kevin. Allow me my path without fear. I am not your King nor am I your Pope Yet. But I could be a date for my movie Superman. Kind regards, RON ADAMS 013006 489902885 ANZ RON G ADAMS 0451963544
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:51:34 +0000

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