OPEN LETTER To the Editorial Sunshine Coast - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER To the Editorial Sunshine Coast Daily [email protected] Dear Editors, I refer to your article about the Bikie-laws here below: In this above-named article it is stated that Mr. Kimball refers to Nazis and is missing the point that Hitler legally got empowered by the democratic elected parliament of the Weimar Republic and its constitution and not some similar bikie-laws. Your article also shows that the Western Demo-crazies cannot do without the eternal allure of Adolf Hitler, the man for all seasons: It is the Western Demo-crazies and its laws which give the breeding-ground for crime, so that the Mafia and other crime-syndicates can flourish in their midst. Germanys crime rate fell during the Hitler-years, with significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny. Sir Arnold Wilson, a British MP who visited Germany seven times after Hitler had come to power wrote: The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants! Indeed, when the European Police-Chiefs met in Paris in 1935, the Police Chief of Berlin reported that the crime-rate in Berlin dropped by 14 % and that the crims had left for other European capitals, where the law gave them better protection for their operations. Thus the Police-Chief of Paris reported that a lot of the former Berlin crime-figures had arrived in Paris where the crime-rate increased since their arrival. If someone reads the article Australia was built by convicts and crooks by Gary Morgan henrythornton/blog.asp?blog_id=827 he/she cannot get rid of the idea that crime and the play of Robber and Police is an entertaining part of Australian culture. It reminds of that Italian lady at the talk-back radio who suggested that to save Australia, Australians need two years of Adolf Hitler, followed by three years of Josef Stalin. With best regards, Latter Day Old Fritz
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:50:49 +0000

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